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Everything posted by Buka

  1. Пишите в раздел нарушителей своего реалма: Нарушители х100 Нарушители х10 Нарушители FUN
  2. Отклонено http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139799
  3. 240 минут мута
  4. http://i.imgur.com/Cn6o2av.png Не баг-репорт. Нарушители х100 Нарушители х10 Нарушители FUN
  5. По 3 дня бана.
  6. 120 минут мута
  7. Declined
  8. Scatta muted, 60 minutes. Banned, 30 days
  9. Declined. Screenshot have bad quality.
  10. Declined.
  11. Declined Read requirements to the screenshots.
  12. Declined. Not enough proofs.
  13. Muted, 120 minutes. Player not found.
  14. Declined. 1 screenshot is not enough. We can't see here, that he was in textures and healed hunter all time.
  15. Banned, 30 days
  16. Banned, 30 days.
  17. Banned, 30 days
  18. Already banned.
  19. Banned, 30 days.
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