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Everything posted by Buka

  1. уже забанен.
  2. 30 дней бана
  3. 120 минут мута
  4. Ждите рестарта сервера.
  5. Не предложение по развитию. Нарушители х100 Нарушители х10 Нарушители FUN
  6. Declined.
  7. Baltezz 30 дней бана. Zefear 120 минут мута
  8. дубль
  9. Changes on time period from 29.04.2015 to 09.05.2015: - Implemented new achievement system, now you can get almost all achievements in the game. - Fixes to all bosses in Thron of Thunder, added new boss - http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=68078 - Event Children's Week fixed and extended for the weekend. - Rewritten quest system for a blizzlike realization Warlock's questline The Codex of Xerrath, the beginning already done. - Fixed exploit with increasing of armor. - Modified functionality of NPC for getting complex achievements. - Fixed formula for mana regen spells. - Fixed RBG working for low lvl characters. - Fixed calculating of miss chance for spells. - Implemented checking for transmogrification of legendary items. - Fixed displaying of transmogrification after reload. - Fixed bug with raid markers. - Fixed bug with titles, which players can get but cannot use. - Fixed item http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=100910 - All Data Base fixes - quests, creatures, loot - you can be seem in this section http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=224&page=2 (from 22.04.15 and to 28.04.15), with messages from Herald. * These changes are already applied.
  10. He can see reason in control panel. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845
  11. Banned, 30 days.
  12. Banned, 3 days.
  13. Both banned, 30 days.
  14. Declined. Bug already fixed, wait for an applying.
  15. Banned, 30 days.
  16. Уже в муте.
  17. 30 минут мута. + 30 минут мута Меднотер. Флудеры и оффтоперы в теме тоже улетают отдыхать.
  18. Analitchingt 120 минут мута; Тараканолег 30 дней бана; Диприфзбагх 3 дня бана.
  19. 240 минут мута
  20. Declined Not a bug report http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
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