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Everything posted by djfreez

  1. i dont need that is for that, cba report wpe or pqr tards ... cuz they cant got ban, for that zeox I think launcher for pandawow but isnt work so gg .
  2. man i just make report when is necesary so i see these games and i write witnrade? cuz prob is bug but idk for that i make the report and my another post is for u guys cuz only que mains in the night at 3 am and have proofs and and according to what zeox says you have to be punished with ban/reset rating, its simply
  3. how can weproofs they use wpe? Have you ever seen someone banned by wpe?, no,ye? so ? for that zeox put launcher but isnt work if you se some hack like wpe or pqr pls read stop be retard we just cant prove it if he use some hacks for runes so stfu
  4. how can weproofs they use wpe? Have you ever seen someone banned by wpe?, no,ye? so ? for that zeox put launcher but isnt work if you se some hack like wpe or pqr :)
  5. heydarkness xfun wintrade profile: http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-3-6266286.html http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/pvp.html?guid=6266286&realm=3 ids: 465757 465324 465745 465267 465706 465238 465623 465219 465614 465574 465381 https://imgur.com/a/Ntrno https://imgur.com/a/HO612 https://imgur.com/a/UPkJO https://imgur.com/a/q6GqT
  6. still funk we know he use some shit wpe pqr or smth ... i play vs him and his dmg in arena of 10 min is me 10m my war 14m, pilaru 6 million and him 30m other times more, since when he can do that dmg ? we cant prove it 100% cuz we arent on his pc but everything knows he is wpe
  7. can u read the post pls... ban or reset for face wintrade idc ur shit wipe
  8. for some 3s? good joke yesterday u was in que like 6 hours in the night only for push to r1 xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
  9. for no reason? look at the chat please and tell me what is the penalty that zeox said
  10. check ids i that are the proofs
  11. Ðarcknnes, Xladerzz, 海賊狩,pilaru,heypilaru xfun server facing wintraders https://imgur.com/a/7N3Dn https://imgur.com/a/PWgYS https://imgur.com/a/NLU18 Here you can see some pics of their opponents at 3, 4 am proofs ID from 海賊狩 : 498927 498787 498661 498560 498539 496538 493209 479995 477578 477542 477509 477476 and there are many more IDS where they face wintraders (if you look at these IDS you can not find your enemies because they have been deleted) According to what zeox said [[ https://imgur.com/a/58BIF ]] if you face wintraders you can got ban/reset rating.. so why are these guys still in ladders ? I gave you an IDS so you can see how they queue at night at 2 or 4 o'clock in the morning with their mains so please zeox, jagermeister do something
  12. according to the rules of all seasons... '' To get rewards of a held bracket, the player that ranked 36th place should not have less rating than 2400 in 2v2 and 85th place should not have less than 2000 in 3v3, otherwise rewards will not be issued.'' what will happen if the 40 range, currently 1812 cr does not reach 2k in 3vs3. Will not the titles be issued? all this I say because i think you are aware that the server is suffering from low population situations, because it is impossible that the number 40 of 3vs3 get 2k this season pls answer zeox
  13. Sakiøn, Pilare, Ðarckness xfun server wintrade https://imgur.com/a/Qtlk2 pilare > ID 361334 Ezme(nogear) http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-3-2530351.html Darley(deleted) Piromaniacø(nogear) http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-3-2530351.html https://imgur.com/a/QY3BS +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 these guys are just dusgisting queueing at 2 or 3 am when nobody queue arenas only for farm ungeared chars...Is not this prohibited too?, farm chars with low gear, one thing is farm players with low mmr but with low gear and 1.4 mmr that is bullshit literaly they was yesterday 2k now they are rank 1 rank 4 and rank 6 ...so jegermaister can you do smth? drop their rating or smth ...
  14. it's been 4 years that I've been playing pandawow I've never do PvE, but since last season I have a rogue 588 I'm looking for xmogs, I make dungeons and I even go to gurubashi to kill with my PVE team, because the server is so dead that you're already row 1 on stairs what else could he do? arenas? 2vs2? for what? i'm 2700 mmr with akuyama... and play vs 2k team is so fucking fucking fucking bored then what i need do? play 3vs3? for what noone queue in 3vs3 or always i face same teams pilare/darkness/sakion, i never see another team
  15. our mistake is to play with '' roguetrainer '' knowing how it is, but even though it is a stupid person ... it is one of the '' best '' server wars, what we did not take into account is that the return to wintrade or the shits of that style. then who else should we play with? if this server is dead , and their mistake is to ban us, when they know perfectly the kind of player that is roguetrainer
  16. you as banning the only people who make arena 24/7 on your server it's not because of talking badly about your server, but without my and zanked we've been gladiators every season. your server is dead. you banned us because of the toxic people you have on your server, when for years you can see more than 30 posts saying that you should be close to being a roguetrainer seriously you have no idea of being a gm, you probably have also banned akuyama, when he is the best priest of the server with 3300 rating in 2vs2 with me, just sad looooooooool
  17. 1. chietamere, ramzøuz 2. fun 3. wintrade 4. proofs http://imgur.com/a/5eY7x http://imgur.com/a/LgMM9 http://imgur.com/a/gfWSw 4.1 http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-3-4580995.html http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-3-6142376.html 5. players started gear wintrade in 3s
  18. Only ziqowq is my character But you have put a photo that anyone could edit .. you have to put the link where I am banned with that character, because I've never been banned and less by wintrade.. good try bru
  19. i dont have char with that name nice paint rofl zaqewq? lel Do not put a screenshot .. put the link where I am banned by wintrade with that character
  20. isn't dfjfreez rofl IS DJFREEZER................................. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMB
  21. Why do you accuse '' somanymagex '' of wintrade but I do not see any screenshots?...what a ridiculous post but you are only envious.. - - - Updated - - - cuz he is idiot haahaha
  22. I do not know if it's fake or not, I just find it weird, it has more than 10 games 2vs3 And the warrior that is in the photos is currently roguetrainer, which has been banned by wintradear 2 warriors.....It's just weird - - - Updated - - - and this isnt wintrade too ? http://imgur.com/a/lm1wp you can see that hpaly is ban before > http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=225023
  23. If you sell the character or change the name, it is edited in pvp history brain! rofl Like the shit you posted about me...But cba to discuss with you is not worth it.
  24. 1. Батяфараоха 2. wintrade 3. fun 4 4.1 armory: http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/pvp....935317&realm=3 Батяфараоха 4.2 screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/DKoYe http://imgur.com/a/BI5Po 4.3 Other evidence that he did wintrade before: Look at the mage's name on this is >> Батяфараоха http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=196809&highlight=labombalol http://imgur.com/a/lm1wp you can see that hpaly is ban before > http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=225023
  25. Nobody has admitted that he has made wintrade...And if you do not understand why they are allowed to have a bad language, we do not understand why he is still allowed to play 1º You always talk shit 2º You try to hurt the others 3º you are a ddoser 4º you are a wintrader 5º You're always breaking the list of ladders. 3vs3 2vs2
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