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  1. so i've caught this good looking game smite and smite tactics but the catch is smite tactics and i can't join without a beta key and i was wondering if anyone here can do a me favor and grab one for me pls :D cheers P.s: ik that the chances are 1/10 but i can always try and since this is a gaming community it wouldn't matter if i ask in another place
  2. as u continue playing here u'll find the bugs that u hate the most and that u don't no one can provide accurate info here because some people here think about some minor bugs as huge gamebreaking bugs so y u better find that out on your own but in overall the server is going into the right direction (full of bumps nd shit but still good enough to ride in)
  3. tnx for the replies people...i really appreciate it i'm gonna watch noneed play and i might learn a thing or two that should help me plus practicing tnx again
  4. teamwork and asking for advice won't work on a pserver most people say watch some guides nab lel for example if i tell my partner to not push too far in a 3vs3 or a 2vs2 and be aware of my positioning so i could pillar and los the enemy team and we could win the match by not getting cced all the fucking time no one listens and i get blamed gg wp idc about insults nd shit but how can i improve with something like that
  5. meh can someone give me some tips about positioning..... i'm new to wow and that's one of the few last things that i'm fucked up at
  6. someone who's pretty decent with internet can learn all that crap about ip's nd shit in 1week like i did idk and would just build a really nicely encrypted wall to hold attackers ddosers bitches who complain about the internet and drama nd crap and ppl like u who thinks they're really something because they can call cops court whatever xD and pretty much m8 no one cares if u're hurt blablablablablabla if u can't face the internet u can't face the world and no one would give a fuck about that story even the cops will mock u for that lol
  7. chik

    Psyfiend 2.0

    in arena the fiend fears from behind walls nd shit is that supposed to happen or it depends on it's range?
  8. one little note:i think u're gaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  9. did u try searching in russian communities? u'll have a higher succeeding chance there russians have a lot of shit hidden and they might probably have some info about this altho it'll take a lot of time since google translation sucks and i didn't find any russian translator on pandawow
  10. noice burn repitch explained everything it's easy to get them here but it's really damn hard to make them stay.....
  11. chik


    i didn't give a damn about legion neither checked it out can someone enlighten me about what's going on there? (ik it's probably **** but i still wanna hear it)
  12. thanks in advance
  13. u can't prove it unless there is someone with a good reaction time to record this since this is about miliseconds
  14. check you're mail just in case
  15. chik

    Arena bug

    could you pls check out the mmr and rating bug here
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