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Everything posted by attifan010

  1. Hi. I think challenge mode dungeons are the best feature and content in Mists of Pandaria PvE. It recommends the players to setup their characters and gear to the fullest. It is true that it has it's own class restriction, but still challenging and hard. When you obtain a Realm Best Time you get a temporary title and a FoS achievement after every dungeon. I think the temporary title is not enough motivation to make people tryhard it more. In my opinion tryhard something to the highest level is pretty fun when you have competition. My suggestion is to give rewards monthly to the best players. How would it look like? - Giving Challenge Mode dungeons ladder a monthly reset, for example let's make it every 1st day of the Month. - Reset means to completely reset all the times. - When the 1 month is about to expire like the last day of the month there gonna be a check on the ladder by a staff member. - After the ladder check there would be an awarding. - The prizes would look like: Every dungeon would have 5 people to prize(the Number 1 time ofc), this gonna be the realm best time's 5 people. They would be awarded with 100gold coins/each player. - A player would be able to get max. 900gold coins/month, but it requires so much time, practice and tryhard. - Of course the prizes and the reset time can change, it's just a pure suggestion right now.
  2. Yo. I think challenge mod
  3. What do you think, who was Wolfledi? (özil.ledik) KEK Also Aatrox
  4. Anything I do you just say that I'm carried by other people, in your main group I was the top dps in overall.
  5. Actually as an english speaker you are lost here, these mfker russians have like -200iq. Also if you think you can join to random russian raids then you should be retarded. Even if I link them my 14/14 hc they just kick me because I don't speak russian. - - - Updated - - - Noneed should be banned for having autism.
  6. Hello there. As the title says I wanna buy 580+ shadow priest or combat rogue. Just link armory and price.
  7. Sold!
  8. Realm: x100 Name: Rekterfury Faction: Alliance, Human-->Female Gear: 586 DPS set, weapons are HC WF axes from garrosh same as the shoulders. Gear2: The tank set item level is around 575~ but there is missing 1 hc piece from full hc set and not upgraded. Tmogs: Well, many donated tmogs, like crown of eternal winter, jewel of firelord or wht and pala CM set. Titles: Many rare titles, Hellscream's Downfall. Armory: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-755144.html Price: Offer me.
  9. Hector PM me.
  10. Hi. 586 dps / almost full hc tank gear just not upgraded. So atm it's like 573-574tank but have full SoO gear for that. 550 pvp Human Pala CM, Crown of the eternal winter, Pala tot raid finder set and many tmogs.... and heroic garrosh title: "Hellscream's Downfall" price: 3000+% http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-755144.html
  11. Whisper me in alliance: Rekterfury
  12. a new PvE (Alliance) guild is looking for raiders! We do a raid on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, SoO Heroic, SoO Normal (Alt Run), Throne of Thunder Heroic and lower raids on Heroic. You will need: 575+ iLvL and constant 350k Dps for SoO Heroic. For the Alt Run you will need: 555+ iLvL and constant 220k+ Dps. Other requirements: use of Ts3 and understanding/speaking the English language. If you'd like to join, contact me ingame: Rekterfury.
  13. He wasn't able to get it by master loot(due to out of the loot range, since he was afking at the panda). Then I gave it to myself to try trade with this guy and he wasn't eligible to get it. It's simply server problem.
  14. Up....
  15. As the title says, WTB 575+ Holy or Disc Priest. Link the armory + price ty.
  16. Still for sale.
  17. How terrible you are :( still fapping on a private server. Also you had never boost me lol nor in shetstorm nor serenity. If you could put away ur ego once srsly... You are like always "am boosted every1" etc... I just tell you one thing mr.every1isbusted... Don't trashtalk under my posts ty.
  18. Down...
  19. How do u boost everyone,everyhwere,anytime ? U just seem to be a real pro. Keepo
  20. -Name: Kandix -Realm: x100 -Faction: Alliance -Rare title: Defender of the Wall -Gears: 550 Feral | 550 Resto | 550 Balance. Some PvE pieces for Balance spec: Garrosh trinket 582, Immerseus trinket 582, Normal-WF 575, Off-hand from Garrosh 569. -Transmogs: 1 tmog set+ shaman and druid CM. -Tmog weapons: Frostmourne and alot of spears & staves. -Price: 800+%=880 bonuses right now!
  21. I will be online at around 18:00pm ST. Will whisper u.
  22. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=230230 What is that mythic Garrosh?xd
  23. *Updated* - Still looking for DPS.
  24. What about stop with the trashtalk?
  25. Hello there. The PvE guild is looking for DPS. This guild is in alliance. We are doing weekly Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar raids at Sunday - 19:00pm ST. If you are interested just comment below ur In Game Name + Ilvl + Spec. Required ilevel: 575+ - You should know ur class and some heroic tactics.
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