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Everything posted by fsociety.sh

  1. 1.Name of not working spell or item : Whole EU community. 2.Problem: Should not be so toxic,since they are playing not on retail.Also they are having fun for free. 3.What should be : They should show more respect to Staff and things they do. 4.Date : Since 1 season with cross realm. 5.Priority : 100000/10 so annoying to see this kids cry every day (Most of all Noneed,Pujo2,Nemifest,Repitchx and other random pps like them) PLS fix fast,omg 4head bla bla bla... 6.Proofs : You have all EU forums with proofs. Sorry,for my english.Im from Egypt.
  2. They started to taking care about scripters.So,keep it up.:pardon:
  3. Nice hair m8
  4. Wtf is that? I tryed so hard to understand this nonsence,even translated it... But still,don't you think you are a smartest gey here? Don't think so.
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