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  1. It is. I received many requests for interviews and I didn't post any due to the lack of content. I also ignored many requests from players that don't have a good reputation to attract views to my interviews. Some players I couldn't reach to for some reason. I am not a person who will run after players if they don't show me their interests, I won't do it.
  2. you're an idiot. Your welcome, and thanks to you for being patient. Again, for the next coming interviews PM me if you want to be.
  3. B]Okay, moving to the most interesting question for now, is that your picture?[/b] I have already answered this question many times, NO. Please, I don't want to say anything else about this or discus it. Will we be seeing you in arenas some day? Well, sure thing, now after fixing the lag and crashes, after they have said that they implemented a new system for the logs to get every detail (detect win traders) and a new system to detect script users and hackers, then yeah. But not any soon, there are still some major bugs that affects the game play. Do you play any other classes or just your shaman? At the moment I am only playing my shaman, I got other classes but not playing with anymore since I am farming honorable kills. Who are your current partners in bgs? And what happen between you and Esdescon? For now, I don't have a 100% fixed/permanent team members, but there's a mw monk that I do some bgs with, anyone is welcome to join me if they want, many players did that and they are most welcome. About Esdescon, nothing much, I think he decided to change his faction to alliance since he didn't like how Horde play in bgs. Is there anything else you would like to share or say? No, nothing else to share. :D The End. - - - Updated - - - Alright guys, let me know in the comments what do you think about this interview. If you have any further questions for Kroz, please ask here in this thread and Kroz will answer you as soon as possible. And for the next upcoming interviews, who would you like the next player to be? Please let me know in the comments too. I have contacted some players and most of them didn't accept to be with us on forums. Names that I have in my mind for the next interviews: (Written with no previous arrangement, just the ones that I have on my mind currently) Dionysus Noneedholy Repitchx Weegee These names, if you're reading this and are willing to be interviewed please pm me. If you don't see your name on this list, please PM me or comment down below and I will make sure to get back to you all. Have a nice day. - - - Updated - - - I said no replies before I end the thread fools.
  4. If we did win trade, that will equal 10 players on the ladder with high rating and low losing, why only just the three of us got reported then? Why none of the team mates that we had a conflict on came out and showed a proof or even said that we did wintrade? Plus, if you want a clear example of a valid wintrade report, here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=170492 And thankfully, here's a proof that they got no logs to check who did we play against, the time, and every single detail. Zeox have said, they don't have logs, and this is exactly what he said: "About arena logs, we have our own algorithm that find players who are wintrading. But now i see that it's not enough, because maybe sometimes it doesn't detect wintrader. So now we're developing new arena logs system, where i will can check all arenas, members on arena, damage/heal, time of arena etc. So i hope in the next season we won't have such problems, and if everyone will rush rating like some guys in this, we will be able to check his arenas and ban him, or say it's legal no problems." http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=187252&page=3&p=1136948#post1136948 The current ladder and almost in every season we had similar situations where players have zero – X number low lose matches; I think that it was a set-up that happened to us. So, you guys reached 2200 with 5vs5 right? Yeah we did, it wasn't planned for, but since we reached that, we had a conflict with our team mates (because we did and they didn't), and they decided to leave. Now can I reach up to 2200 in 2s or 3s? definitely, but will it be any soon? No. Why? Because I got other things to work on such as: http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=5363/250000-honorable-kills
  5. Due to some kind of error, I can't post the whole interview at once, wait till I post everything! Hello dear pandawow active, dead, banned members. With all the drama that we are having in this section, it is the time to have the moment of truth. In this series, I will be interviewing players of Pandawow and ask them some questions. And what is a better way to know the truth than the person himself. Today, I will start the first interview with a player that was controversial for the past few days. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you: Kroz the Elemental Shaman. Who are you? Name? age? What do you do for living? Etc. My name is Abdulmajeed (Servant of the Glorious One). I am 23 years old. I am working as a server moderator and coder. Tell us more about why you are a Muslim? Some players say that I am a Muslim just because my parents are, and they are somewhat correct. Until like about a year ago, I have become a Muslim by choice, I have studied: Islam Christianity Judaism Hinduism And all the scientific facts about God's existence and the theories that says God doesn't. And I am happy to say that I am 100% convinced that Islam is the only correct religion despite everything that being told by the media and others. I have been told that you make instruments/beats, is that correct? Yes, it is, but this just a hoppy and I don't share it world-wide just between my close friends. When did you start playing wow? I started in 2014. Why did you choose shaman, and why elemental? Well, first of all, my friends were playing the game before I even knew about it, and when I decided to play, they told me, in our team we don't have a shaman so be a shaman, but I wanted to be a death knight and they told me you can't if don't have another char first, so I made a shaman. Elemental, it was by coincidence and I didn't like it for the first few months (compared to the other classes that I see players play) until I started watching some videos on Youtube, and I still didn't get something that useful, every person tells something different than the other. Until I decided to learn it by myself, I started practicing every day, doing battlegrounds non-stop, I achieved the conqueror title, and then decided to explore the game, after doing that, I realized how x100 realm is so fast and in that time almost everything in Pandaria was bugged or not scripted. So, after almost finishing everything possible, I decided to move to x10. What happened in x10, is there anything you want to share? Well, first of all, when I came to the game I was power-leveled by my friends, but when I moved to x10 I decided to level up by myself without any help, and that was a huge difference in my game play style, I learned exactly every skill in the book. So you had no one to teach you? You were self-reliant? Well, just like almost every player, I met with other shamans and started to ask some questions, is this right? Is this wrong? And we share our thoughts and experience with each other, I correct some mistakes and they do the same if they see anything wrong I am doing. So yeah, you can say that I was self-reliant. :) Now, did you wintrade? We saw your report on the forum and decided to ask you about Okay, I am glad that you have mentioned this, and let me make it clear to everyone who's asking me this question: We didn't wintrade. :D I as elemental shaman, and my team mates were only three: arms warrior and destruction warlock. At that time, my only experience in arenas was on x10, my partners were Fuzy from 'More Pew Pew Less QQ' guild (as a mw monk) and Skydreammer from 'MVP Club' guild (as destruction warlock) It was at the end of x10 days before it got merged with x100 server and almost everyone left! So, we (the new partners on x100) decided to do some 5vs5 arenas just for fun and practice, however we were missing two other players, finally we had 3 players, 2 resto druids and one mw monk. We kept playing until we reached like 1900 rating, then the monk decided to leave, so we had 2 druids in the same team, we played until we reached 2200 rating (I and the war) The two druids were doing more arenas with different teams, the same case with the lock, that's why I and the war got up to 2200 before them with only 2-3 lose matches! The others were something like ~2000. So, after that, a guy reported us on forums, and the only proof he got is our rating picture from the site ladder, no pictures or footage inside the arena! The shocking thing, is that the moderator said: Banned! It was just a moderation who is abusing his moderation powers and he has many variations on the forums (just search and you will see multi threads about his violations) plus I highly doubt that admins did check our logs, they just closed the thread and said banned, but until this moment we didn't get banned. The report only got our scores from the site, no video or picture inside the arena (although arena spectator was available at that time) so the only proof they have is the site scores, that's it, proves nothing.
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