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Everything posted by DannyXD

  1. I'm sorry.Didn't notice that.Made another thread on the right section. Moderators can delete this one.
  2. There's a group of DK Horde bullies who think it's fun to pull people underground and mock them.This is happening for a couple of days already and there's more of them everyday. I dunno what kind of hack are they using.This needs to stop. GM's.Take action! [ATTACH=CONFIG]114277[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]114278[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]114279[/ATTACH]
  3. WTS Druid,Night Elf,Female.FULL PVP gear for balance/resto and feral.FULL PVE gear for balance and partial PVE gear for resto and feral.15k CP on it,Arena Master title,TONS of transmogs including 3 donated transmogs+donated mounts and tabards.
  4. There's a group of DK Horde bullies who think it's fun to pull people underground and mock them.This is happening for a couple of days already and there's more of them everyday. I dunno what kind of hack are they using.This needs to stop. GM's.Take action! [ATTACH=CONFIG]114261[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]114259[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]114260[/ATTACH]
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