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  1. best reason not to ban players x)
  2. Mage: Baz (basicly cause playing fire mainly) other guys are shitfrosts got carried by druids and his crazy spec bugs tho monk: liquid as mw, me as ww (self proclaimed cause no1 plays ww) priest: well all know, noneed druid: noneed (nice carrying trash frosts) tallaq as bal/никитасовунх wlock: thilan (basicly cause no1 plays demo) sharhi/funka shaman: actually... didnt noticed any realy good shamans, so... samuel? warr: telpin dk: takaa (tho biggest toxic retard in the universe) mby noneed pal: meganx as ret, nah w.e, let it be lightning rogue: alex hunter: eccay as surv, hatchet as bm (just cause he keeps playin it even after nerf)
  3. ye i actually wanted to report this bug also, but didnt found any mage and was too lazy to create one this is very important bug
  4. 1. Name of the spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113656/fists-of-fury 2. how it works : every silence can interupt it 3. silence shoudnt interupt fist of fury. Only stun/grip/disable etc. but not silence 4. bug is old as hell 26.07.2016 5. realm fun 6.prio 9/10 every mw is using rop out of fof duration interuptin it, makes undyuing mw live even more
  5. icyswift

    Expel harm - CC

    1. Name of the spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115072/expel-harm 2. It removes paralys whenever u cast it if u are in range of hit 3. Expel Harm should not hit CCed targets (Paralysis)Video from retail: 4. this bug is old af 26.07.2016 5. FUN 6.20/10 cant generate chi properly P.S Same problem is with chi wave hits enemy if its casted on yourself and target near is sapped this is not crucial but still bugged and should be fixed 5/10
  6. 1.Xyssaj (http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-1-5816105.html) 2. x100 3.on the screens you may see envenom buff (which is available only after envenom skill use) and master of subtlety buff (which is available only for subtetly rogues) 4. https://postimg.org/image/5rhk8sjzr/ https://postimg.org/image/gnphhpxlj/ 5.the guy prolly having other assasin spells being subtetly, sucessfully abusing this power in pvp making unbelievable damage (was capping twink and my full 550 shaman died in half of cheap shot stun duration) hoping for reliable ban
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