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Everything posted by Zanked

  1. I mean you can queue up 3s i'll just farm you and get a free r1 don't think u're something xDD jk you dodge 24/7.
  2. Worry about yourselves, you guys are legit wintrading every seasons to get the r1 title, im getting it no matter what
  3. Don't worry GMS will check everything you don't need to worry about that mate.
  4. Sup Xladerz ^^ Yes we can expect his whole squad saying he didn't wintrade just wait for it
  5. Nickname of the violator: Bananasplit , Xladerz, Pilaru • Realm where you saw the violation: xFun • Description of the violation: Arranged games to get top 5 in 3s • Proofs: Game ID's are: 226304 226285 https://gyazo.com/f38c05f0e7cf72d69d4d46f4ffd7f680 / https://gyazo.com/ed2bbc90dfcf3003c2a4c1ca138d1edf He also got disqualified last season for the same reason but he obviously doesnt want to stop, i don't know if xladerz is involved in it :/, the 0 cr shaman in the lsd2 is pilaru (darkness friend) Bonus screenshots if you guys could check the ip of that guy : https://gyazo.com/0848feb64c1fb91f57bd01f30ecc9f49 / https://gyazo.com/2ac878ca4b8bb0290d780f8db5ce302b Get these wintraders banned and rewards removed please.
  6. PandaWoW 3v3 Tournament. - Hosted By Tmy and Zanked at 8th/June/19:00 GMT +1. Hello, I'm going to host a 3v3 Tournament during the off-season after the current season. I will allow the teams to have 4 players in each team. The tournament will be streamed and be commentated. Players are also allowed to stream thier point of view. That means, If you don't want to watch the commentated stream. You can tune in to any players stream to see from thier point of view. Players aren't forced to stream but if they want to we will happily announce thier stream in the main stream. I will host the event with at least 10 or more teams. And a money prize pot. Will be set if 16 or more teams attend. Commentated Stream : Twitch.tv/zankedz You can see the bracket at https://challonge.com/sv/pandawowtourny - To sign up send a discord message to Tmy#6645 or Znk#4460. ( Team Name + Players! Max 4 Players. )
  7. Sad that nobody is talking about the Blocknova guy or Appleiphonex : /
  8. Twitch.tv/znkx R1 Shaman / R1/ Gladiator Druid - follow me so u can see some healers gameplay
  9. yeah stop talking and 1v1 me now
  10. DK: Noneedsuck / Kenquit Druid: Me / Noneed Hunter: idk Mage: Deepoxy Paladin: Darkness / Halta Priest: idk Rogue: Repitch/ Steper Shaman: Me / Weafy Warlock: Maje/Funka Warrior:Noneed/Telpin/Xlader Monk:Max
  11. Pls diabolique stfu talking about players in the top when ure not even near
  12. Hijab is bae and i farmed u in 3s and i do all time : ) skinny boy photoshopping pics : )
  13. btw keep getting farmed as hpal dk vs rsham warr get a better cheat
  14. Should i care from a cheater ? I would say at least im not cheating : ))
  15. Just ban these cheaters xD
  16. thanks bro for ur thread but i doubt they will even read.. cuz u know pandawow's gms :/ and thanks everyone for support
  17. acc's name : Zankedxyxyy and char : Highest It seems absurd to me that you ban us just for playing with garbage players 1st if you look at all the posts he has for wintrade, he is using a lot of top people so that they can also be banned http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=232117 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=232116 and if you want to see more look in the roguetrainer forum, he has about 30 bans in forum just for wintrade / hacks / pqr or ddos ppl, with different names obviously, but with the same ip of all the characters are yours Why the fuck do not you permanently ban him and so you stop banning people who are not to blame?
  18. made me laugh
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