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WorstWarriorNA last won the day on April 10 2017

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  1. Name: Belaux Realm: Fun Date/time: 28/3/2018 14:44 He insulted me and insulted my mother. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLxAKulZeXc
  2. OMG THIS BUG IS 10/10! How will I be able to do BGs with 50 buffs if the paladin one doesn't last, oh the pain, OH THE SUFFERING. HOW WILL I BE ABLE TO DEAL WITH SUCH A CATASTROPHE?!
  3. 10/10 report
  4. Problem with that question is: Zeox is a warrior and Juster is a dk. Pathfinding and spell queue were already reported over 50 times and Zeox just doesn't give a flying fuck, if it was any different I would report all of 'em and link them in a poll as well. But I lost the fucks I gave a LONG time ago cause of Zeox mostly.
  5. You're retarded with no game knowledge or real life knowledge, you're a piece of shit scumbag ddoser wintrader and an overall cunt also you're a bigger ape than King Kong. And since you don't understand English here's the version you understand: YOU DDOS WINTREYD END BIG MANKI END STOOPID.
  6. Well Machmollo and Vegari are the only transgenders who didn't get the memo.
  7. He didn't call your brother shit, he said you're the same shit as he is. As in you're basically the same person/thing or you have very similar traits. No insult there. Invalid. scumbag. I wont stop until you have your arms removed and executed publicly.
  8. It began towards relatives but there was no insult or a joke therefore invalid and you should just make like a tree and fuck off you ddosing wintrading pathetic scumb. Die.
  9. Ok Vegari let's first begin with your family being a joke as it is. Now that we've done that let's proceed to the matter at hand shall we, your video shows little to no evidence about him insulting anyone. The sentence you showed said "tell your mother to hang" there was no continuation of the sentence, it could have been an innocent "tell your mother to hang your laundry. You're even more disgusting that your sister Machmollo. Get the fuck out of this world you rancid disgusting subhuman ddosing wintrading piece of trash your reports should be declined as they are posted because you are the most toxic disgusting player I've ever met in my life and I've been playing World of Warcraft since 2005 and you bring the worst out of people. And one more thing, if I ever meet you in real life I will beat you so badly even DNA scans wont recognize it's you I PROMISE.
  10. Nobody talked to you like normal don't talk to anyone that doesn't talk to you because since you are you nobody WANTS to talk to you, Thanks. Subhuman scumbag go back to the cave you came from filth.
  11. Ok first feral damage is NOT lacking anymore. Secondly no that's you making an act for Zeox to look responsible and grown up so he can think that you've done nothing wrong and that the scumbag you're defending is right. You're not either of those and he is a ddosing wintrading scumbag and all of his player reports should be looked at with a microscope because if he tries to ban someone he has some angle to benefit from. And as of now you both make me sick to my stomach in an undescribeable way.
  12. That is not an insult towards relatives. it would have been if he would have called your family a "pack of retarded immigrants" or "bunch of fucking bitches" or "a block of stupidity blocking the flow of life". You're just looking for an excuse to ban him because you don't like him and if you try to ddos AGAIN and I cannot stress it enough that MACHMOLLO DDOSD PLAYERS A MONTH AGO AND PROBABLY STILL DOES, you're biased and disgusting if this gets accepted then it's disgusting how poorly the gm treat their work. P.S you're a waste of air and should apologize to the trees you're stealing from.
  13. The best way to get people queuing is to get fixes going, and not fixes we're used to... Not fucking get 1 bug fixed and 2 new bugs out of nowhere cause that drives people away. pandawow is used to stealing shit from other servers, and at this point you might as well steal Warmane's scripting to get classes working PROPERLY. That for sure will get people queuing.
  14. I queue like every 2-3 days and there is usually 1 team in queue and if they lose once they leave. (happened often because I'm a "fotm player" according to them even though I played resto shaman before it got totem healing fixed and willing to play any comp regardless of the wmd meta or how good/bad it is. FYI wmd analy rapes resto shamans.) You queue when there aren't teams that can give you a hard time so plz... And also it wouldn't be a wmd meta if warrior's damage wasn't higher than it should be (yes I know it's better than what it was before but it's still like 10-15% higher than how it was on retail) a lot of people don't want to queue cause of wmd, one more reason for people to not want to play is the bugs, just an insane amount of bugs and per fix you get a batch of new bugs which is fucking stupid if you ask me. Why fix something if you're gonna break something else? why does it have to be a trade? If the server was more blizzlike all the retail glads and r1s and players in general would queue here constantly and also enjoy it. PandaWoW would become the new AT if that were the case.
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