1. https://db.pandawow.me/?achievement=1561
2. Hello when i try to complete my 1000 Fish achievement. It does not register. It is stuck on 722/1000 only
And i tried to do on my other characters aswell and it is the same.[ATTACH=CONFIG]141396[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]141396[/ATTACH]
It's not bannable, everyone uses it too
And it is possible to change your weapons to what you want
And before you download Cheatengine, disable your firewall an it should work.
It worked for me
When i try to do the achievement "Lonely" for "Love Is In The Air" it don't works because when i take out my Picnic it is not giving me the picnic buff and when i click on the picnic eating thing it disappears....and i also have butter cookie thing too
It has been 2 days now i cant connect to the website signin...when i go to http://pandawow.ru/en/ it works but when i click on "Control Panel" it says
"This site can’t be reached
cp.pandawow.ru took too long to respond."
any help please?
i am new to this forum thingy..sorry if any mistake.