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Everything posted by Lordneroxz

  1. Not my clip, a friend of mine sent it to me and i uploaded it when i got it. I don't even have a druid on the server.
  2. Lordneroxz

    Faerie Swarm

    1. Faerie Swarm 2. Description of the problem: Applying the debuff on one target and then on a second target (before the first buff has been dispelled or expired) removes the debuff from the first target. 3. How it must work: Like Faerie Fire, can be applied to every target and will remain on the target until dispelled or the duration expires. The slow can be removed by any freedom effect, just the slow not the whole debuff. 4. Date when you tested it:29.8.2016 5. Realm: Fun 6. Priority of the problem: 6/10 Basically makes this talent pointless. 7. Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B5OI7WicNE
  3. How does stupidity feel? cuz i have no clue and you're an expert.
  4. Even after i explained to you simpleton hundreds of times you didn't understand. I proved you wrong many many times you're just not smart enough to understand.
  5. You're just a private server hero and i played retail since BC so leave it to me for bug fixes and correcting wrongs (mostly yours), i'll leave it to you to sit in your room in the dark for 12 hours doing bgs.
  6. That copy was declined cause the admin that declined it had clear sight issues. And i wasn't present to prove you wrong then. Now i am here and i already proved you wrong 50 times so sit quietly while we make DKs less retarded and less faceroll for you to play, meaning: you wont pass 2k as a dk by facerolling.
  7. It's literally how it is, like in my first week here i played like 3 hours a day to practice and everytime i was on he was, for the whole duration as well.
  8. He passed 9000 at the age of 5. If i wont try as hard the admins will just dismiss it, just because Pujo is a pathetic lifeless loser that plays 12 hours a day on the server as a dk, and needs the help of bugs to get rating, and they think he knows how dks should be.
  9. No they don't rofl, all they are showing is MS difference between the player and the server. Since you are clueless and dumb i'll explain it to you AGAIN. Because of MS difference a cast that started after a player/mob stopped moving will look like they are casting while moving. Take this vod for example: https://www.twitch.tv/adlairo/v/84869358 skip to 58:40 and look at the warlock, notice how he is starting a cast while moving. Case closed it's MS difference between the server and player which makes it look like gargoyle is moving while casting. Btw it doesn't matter how bugged dks are on the server or how bugged they will be, you still wont be good at it if you rely on these bugs to get your precious 2s rating.
  10. This actually deserves a massive facepalm, hunter's cc's are: Freeze (Freezing Trap) Silence (Silencing shot) Sleep (Wyvern's Sting) Stun. Scatter is a disorient...
  11. Yes but the problem is that the people that matter (Juster and Neff) believe him. So every single time they spout their stupid comments and replies i have to prove them wrong in order to get this fixed. Like i don't know if this is noticeable but i am actually putting a lot of work into this when i get 0 personal gain. I play a dk mainly and they think that i want this fix to happen to nerf dk's damage cause for some reason i want other dk's damage to be weaker so i can win more. Which is a stupid assumption since i am basically shooting myself in the leg with this report.
  12. This is my last explanation on this thread. Any dk (Funk,Eldkpujo/Senorpujo/player9/player10) that thinks this is not true just because they like having an OP broken ability listen closely. In this video at 0:55 notice the gargoyle's movement Watch how he chases the hunter when he goes to the starting zone of the arena, watch how he doesn't cast while moving. HE JUST MOVES! How do you know that it is retail you may ask, well heroic leap is actually a leap as you can see in the video and death grip is straight instead of a major jump in the air and also gargoyle works properly and there's pathfinding. If you don't believe me then just skip to 1:38 and you will see the Dark Prince's Rep buff that was present at the end of 5.4.8 on retail.
  13. I said it's not good with a RSham, and i don't have fun playing it. With HPaladin or a RDruid it's really good i think also with MW. Tho wizard comps destroy it.
  14. TSG isn't good with a sham tho, and it's not fun either.
  15. Haven't found partners for 3s, but i'll tell you when i get there.
  16. He wasn't actually moving while casting, it's latency difference between the players and the server that shows the gargoye trying to finish the cast while moving. It's worth noting that he didn't finish the cast cause he started moving. You might ask how i know he didn't finish his cast, and i'll tell you. When the gargoyle strike hits you there's a specific animation on your character which was missing AKA he didn't finish casting cause he was moving. Also i doubt that Neff or Juster ever played retail. Beyond the free to play region of the game (1-20)
  17. No that's not true and i proved that it's not true several times.
  18. Lol that's not true, i started playing a dk in s5 was gladiator in s6,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17 in s8 s14 s15 i was R1 and in s18 i got 3 dks to R1 and one to gladiator and i remeber a lot. I'm still playing retail, just waiting for Legion to drop. I wasn't crying by the way, was just calming the guy down cause that moron seemed to not understand anything, didn't matter how much we both proved him wrong. - - - Updated - - - Playing 5.4.8 on a private server doesn't count.
  19. Whatever... You see he's clueless why waste time and effort trying to explain it to this guy. I promise you even if you take a brick saying "Gargoyle never casts while moving" and hit him in the head with it, it wont get in his head and he will stay this way. He wont be able to talk which will be an improvement but still. - - - Updated - - - The thing is, it never casted while moving. If your brother saw gargoyle casting while moving either he needs an eye sight exam or he should pay attention closer next time.
  20. Whoa dude relax. I know his comments are stupid but chill, there's no point in getting mad over idiots.
  21. Thank you for linking this vod it will help a lot. Notice how the warlock feared while moving that's exactly how the gargoyle casted in the video proving that it is MS and the visual alters from person to person, since obviously casting a fear requires you to stand still you can't cast it while moving in 5.4.8.
  22. Frankly that is true.
  23. I confirm what WorstWarriorNA said, Gargoyle should not be casting while moving, the Gargoyle's spell is considered like most caster spells besides few and some with special conditions (like Scorch, mage casts with the level 15 talent Ice Floes, incinerate Shadow bolt and Malefic Grasp with the level 90 talent Kil'jaeden's Cunning, any shaman/druid spell casted while Spiritwalker's grace buff is active, penance with glyph of penance, etc...). Basically what that means is: If the gargoyle moves while casting the spell is interrupted and should not be continued to cast until he is in the target's line of sight and range and stops fully to cast. The videos might show otherwise but that is simply the server's MS compared to the player's MS and WorstWarriorNA said you can test it out and see with 2 characters on 2 accounts.
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