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  1. It s
  2. you already made mistakes in ur first line. It was fun reading this story. I bet Minpojke ( ofc the pwow fanboy ) was working alot on this. So much pain 2 years after he ragequitted due not getting a title. Akuyama ddosed you ... i ddosed you ... the whole world ddosed you 10/10
  3. Noneedmlgs


    one day .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilndHkQtoFU
  4. jesus ... / UP
  5. just leave... ur dumb
  6. player 9 = pujo. no way some1 else is that retarded
  7. ur writing more than anyone else here :confused:
  8. finally a comb where ur good enough to hit 2k ^_^
  9. get a brain please. Or learn english
  10. 1.Djtpz 2. Fun 3. Racism towards black people. 4. http://i.imgur.com/jZilLQp.jpg 5. It's an huge insult and should be punished with a 30d ban in my opinion.
  11. Noneedmlgs

    Arena bug

    Yo sup push
  12. This thing will ever get fixed ? Or nah
  13. Damn, the alt f4 abuser just lost here lul. Do you even understand english btw ? I see that its hard for you to understand what i just said lol.
  14. Talking about life ? You dont even play here as u said, still checking the forums and making posts about players here? Sad
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