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  1. Name of the spell: Fears in general Issue: when you use any fear, the enemy if behind any wall, he will ignore pathfinding and start flying inside arenas. If its in a ramp. He will fall thought map. How it must be: Pathfinding should work proper way Priority 7/10 (actually only fear classes can cause this in a ¹/³ probabbility) Commentarys: It started happening after last pathfinding new application. Proofs. http://i.imgur.com/SRVxeOn.jpg
  2. Hello. I would like to ask: Is this damage a hack or a bug exploit? http://i.imgur.com/b5vOsz3.jpg
  3. Syntaxz

    op warlock bug

    Also, discovered from a friend that warlock pet's can use twice the Command demon Ability, while it shouldnt be possible.
  4. heared that its about a suicide command (unknown on live), some rumors that its about Wow Admin painel command too.
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