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  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=213516&page=3&highlight=Pujo+Hacking
  2. so is this a false report?
  3. Spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=122 Issue: If there 2 people near of you and you use Polymorph + Frost Nova at the same time, the Polymorph will break. What should happen: Frost Nova shouldn't break polymorph. Realm: All. Proff: As you can see on 5:27 to 5:30 he used Polymorph + Frost Nova at the same time but it didn't breaks the Polymorph on shaman. Priority: 4/10 I've lost a few games before because of this, mainly against warriors+mw, when you double dragon breath > poly on mw > frost nova (for deep on warrior), but it breaks poly.
  4. Proff = SS above that Garodar showed, omg are you blind or just too stupid to understand what Licher said?
  5. me now http://imgur.com/a/7MCp9
  6. i won't insult you anymore, didn't knew
  7. he's not the only one, u fcking spanish retard
  8. so much drama holy shit
  9. 3k player [ATTACH=CONFIG]116979[/ATTACH]
  10. Simple.
  11. spanish cancer that cannot break 2k because pve was fixed, now trying to get something for carry him even if gargoyle starts doing 200k and necro 300k, you will continue stuck at 2k
  12. kys, it's not my fault if you are retarded and spanish at the same time.
  13. like your english spanish retard
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