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  1. felt like rock but different is wicked wicked is good xD 8/10
  2. that is like playing dead if you know what i mean
  3. nobody has the balls to post with a guitar? feelsbadman
  4. nobody challenged me keepos lel but ima just post it here http://imgur.com/a/Y0IYQ ma favorite cyka blyat picture of the year i challenge everyone who has balls and a guitar lel
  5. almost every mafaking russian has a 50mb internet connection lol i live in north africa with 2mb internet connection and 130ms at max so idk how ur friend has shitty ms and anyways isn't the server host in france? that should be near to africa
  6. i got my answer tnx fenris and can some forum moderator or something close this thread the taco is going loco again
  7. 1-tacos do not have a body 2-u should eat yourself for that big fat lie 3-i did not ask for a clickbait aka pornhub shit 4-don't go offtopic in my thread
  8. i brought a razor naga blabla with like 8 or 12 buttons idk but i hate so my question is: what's easier getting used to new keyboard binds or naga binds? and can both be possible in like 1 month at least? (yes because i have a job and i don't play 24/7 lol like 4 hours a week for max)
  9. i think it's unit frames improved
  10. that will never happen if they intend to do that they should've changed it at the beginning of the server release bcs if they change anything now they might fuck everything up and break the system beside that the bot will always work because it will only cost u 5m to find the server filter if u know what u're doing
  11. pujo elmatadores sounds right seems right looks right and it's definitely right
  12. what the fuck.... are you clinton defending her verginity?
  13. omg retards going off topic on a music thread wtf.... not my taste so 5/10
  14. i don't remember insta pqr bans in retail tho?
  15. still legion pvp is not that rewarding and all people hoped for a better pvp experiences
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