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  1. 0-30min recorded my friend helped me change pw https://www.twitch.tv/videos/293510493 - - - Updated - - - can i pelase get chars restored? its alot of money..
  2. Hello Gamemasters i was playing 2v2 arenas yesterday and then someone logged into my account repeatedly and deleted all chars 0-30min i tried change password but the email didnt come .acc name Moho please help
  3. I think its a good idea to make this season like 6months longer because as u saw all players in the top 20 are wintraders like Vasculk Akuyama Zanked they got all rank1 titles in the seasons before, they ask friends to que into them @ 3v3 to get points (because nobody ques 3v3 no activity) other teams like Sakion Pilare use WPE and PQR but gms dont detect it since everything is allowed here unless its super obvious ( Wexellence PQR Hunter kickbot @ party chat scripts on stream but never banned and even gets gladiator??lol. Rank 36 of ladder @ 3v3 is 36 Друид Mindbomb Fun 196 139 1811 1800 rating in 2-3 months the highest players are 2,1k and the top 10 is all 2k rating ish random players which get feeded by friends. We should really conciderate rerolling the whole Season and reset all Ratings and try to fix the mmr to get real results it makes no sense giving rank1 titles or other to random 1,5k players. Thanks for listening. Dr.Roguetrainer - - - Updated - - - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=232116 the best players like Vasculk the best mage that ever was on this server 15x rank1 and 3,5k xp and Akuyama with 10k games played per seasons are exposed as wintraders same as Zanked. If our ELITE is wintrading/scamming/ddosing/pqring/friend rating boosting what are the others? we should reset this season. Even if we give titles to top 1-5 only its the same wintraders just not obvious.
  4. 1)Stickaah/Csmvpwin/niezelol 2)fun 3)wintrade 3v3 4) http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-3-6160949.html 19-0 with no full gear naked 0 dmg http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/pvp.html?guid=6160284&realm=3&type=1 dk http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-3-6160281.html priest 18-0 3v3!!!!
  5. mnnnammm zeox pls help im nabbb wintrade and alawys use pqr i wintrade ddos insta kick im veri bad for this comuniti senks ju veri matsch lg
  6. They keep scamming new accounts promising unsuspecting victims that they will play their character to rank 1 rating then change the details so the original owner can no longer play on their own account How can u change details without having the accounts email? Nice proof btw haAHAAAAAAA - - - Updated - - - Hello gemaster plis ben this pleyer rogtrener he is very bad he steal account and blabla kapappapapaapapapapapa LOOOOOL akuyama !!!
  7. son of a bitch is a insult Not "in ur mum" do u want gms to punish words like fuck for permanent ban? Youre ridiculous reporting some stupid shit gms have Other Things to do. this Serv is Full of flyhackers etc
  8. in ur mum = insult ye sure xDD
  9. Sent to u
  10. 1. akaishuichiyo 2. xfun 5. The email is qwerwerwe or something like that i didnt think at creation of account that i would need it lol :( 6. I created this account with a random email typed qwerewrwerwe or something like that at that time but i didnt think i need email to change anything so ye now im fucked ? :D
  11. He said in german " I should tell you from leon youre a son of a bitch" not himself said that why would u ask to ban him retard rofl
  12. confirmation of gm please. - - - Updated - - - 15 Паладин Аристео Fun 246 72 2207 ladder
  13. 1)Аристео http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5482187.html i think he namechanged to awsmtodmax or something like that in case you dont find him on logs 2)Fun 3)Wintrade 4)Proof Game Match ID : 451147 451036 451185 451237 451288 451310 https://gyazo.com/98ec958c917cff5c02b40b5dc54fe875 0 dmg done by enemys :) 5) Pretty much farmed alot of points i didnt even get all of the games they played vs Opiatx which is banned for wintrade too and spam queued into them the enemys did 0 dmg and they farmed points +3+3+3+3+3+3+3 ban this wintraders pls zeox i wanna play legit arenas here and not play vs wintraders
  14. gm can just check all those MATCH ID and see there was 3v3 with healer why u even bother reporting making urself look like a retard while yourself you know this is no wintrade cuz you just hate the person rofl
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