I think its a good idea to make this season like 6months longer because as u saw all players in the top 20 are wintraders like Vasculk Akuyama Zanked they got all rank1 titles in the seasons before, they ask friends to que into them @ 3v3 to get points (because nobody ques 3v3 no activity) other teams like Sakion Pilare use WPE and PQR but gms dont detect it since everything is allowed here unless its super obvious ( Wexellence PQR Hunter kickbot @ party chat scripts on stream but never banned and even gets gladiator??lol.
Rank 36 of ladder @ 3v3 is 36 Друид Mindbomb Fun 196 139 1811
1800 rating in 2-3 months the highest players are 2,1k and the top 10 is all 2k rating ish random players which get feeded by friends.
We should really conciderate rerolling the whole Season and reset all Ratings and try to fix the mmr to get real results it makes no sense giving rank1 titles or other to random 1,5k players. Thanks for listening.
- - - Updated - - -
http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=232116 the best players like Vasculk the best mage that ever was on this server 15x rank1 and 3,5k xp and Akuyama with 10k games played per seasons are exposed as wintraders same as Zanked. If our ELITE is wintrading/scamming/ddosing/pqring/friend rating boosting what are the others? we should reset this season. Even if we give titles to top 1-5 only its the same wintraders just not obvious.