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  1. Beacuse im right? 19-0 sad
  2. lmao dog dog i know why your name is like that dog
  3. Warlock symb is fucked up :3
  4. thumbs up he should be muted for saying motherfucker wich is nearly the same as FDP :) if u need some help to understand wat motherfucker mean also mother fucker, mother fucker, usually simply an intensive of fucker (see fuck ), attested from 1956; implied in clipped form mother (with the context made clear) by 1928; motherfucking is from 1933. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/motherfucker
  5. prove it
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH-KPeFJymk cut with those useless comments lmao ain't helping shit [ i had to donate for that bitch ass falling flame -.- ]
  7. drama kids, kill your self
  8. So who wanna play legion on retail lold?
  9. Banned on my main acc cuz jelly fgts anyway, thats fake asfu same as Nejniq report
  10. 2/10
  11. 1. Name of the violator. Seahd 2. Realm, where you saw the violation. Xfun 3. Description of the violation. Using admin pannel to teleport to corpse 4. Proof: screenshots or video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpGhsW_Fx9w Credits:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRuAHZuTVlY ( If the video get deleted i have it saved so np ;) )
  12. That guy Rolex is way too much inside the movie anyway no class color no time stamp Closed.
  13. Probably that guy is some random child who has no idea how much time effort and what exactly Zeox did but yeah
  14. Do you think that normal? 7 Воин Luccixd Fun 213 4 2264 213 wins and fucking 4 losses even he got banned for hacking http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=196984&highlight=luccixd
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