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Everything posted by Jiri

  1. This is so funny, you come with a shit priest to tp me to nowhere to die, tell my stupid ex to record without recording you even tho it's visible your cc on me, and have the balls to report me for tp hacking. You should have stayed in retail Vegari, you're bullshit. Enjoy my ss of Chainz' threads and of you saying you tp and of you threatening me to ddos me: http://imgur.com/a/zw95d You're the worst scrub i've met so far next to Chainzrow.
  2. Mother fucker is considered player insult, not family insult. Plus you don't follow any of the requirements, time stamp, class colors and you have mature filter on, should be closed.
  3. Well I would say (personal opinion) that one thing is what he did in Repitchx's video and another completely different is what you said. I personally wouldn't think that tp-hacking back because you got tp hacked by mc priest is bad at all, it just avoids having to go to site and repare each time you get controlled, but of course hacking in bgs and arenas shouldn't be tolerated. No hate just personal opinion ^^
  4. Happened the same to me, you should be able to log in now
  5. I literally ignored your video i was talking to Ddoskid boy.
  6. Huh nice multiaccount liking :mocking:
  7. That's why you took my rogue mog hahaha
  8. Well since none rated it i think i'll give it a 8/10 cuz it's the first time i see it and looks fine (sword matches as well) I'm using a quite simple one: http://imgur.com/a/lQlBK Pujo ffs stop spamming and post your mog already
  9. Jiri

    Urgente Ayuda

    Hola, si opinas que tu baneo no fue justo por cualquier tipo de motivo debes escribirlo aquí: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&page=72http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&page=72 Escribelo en inglés o no te lo aceptarán. Sigue estas pautas: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845 Recuerda explicar bien lo ocurrido con una gramática decente o no te entenderán ya que no hay gms españoles. Espero haberte sido de ayuda
  10. 6.5 not my type
  11. Thought this thread died but seems i'm challenged again :happy: http://imgur.com/a/af485 I challange Pw and Daniel!
  12. Jiri

    Fly Hack

    Escríbelo en report a player en ingles, además creo que ahora necesitas grabarlo en vídeo
  13. El mejor report que he visto en dos años que llevo aqui :clapping:
  14. My link shows a report answer after yours.
  15. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=203823&highlight=Multiboxing
  16. Why would you want that mog? There's waaaay better sets then that one
  17. Jiri

    paladin bug

    Cacho friki jajaja
  18. Jiri

    paladin bug

  19. Jiri

    paladin bug

    No parece que sepas mucho de paladín, eres nuevo jugándolo? No te deja utilizar sentencia ya que no tienes un aura activada, ves esos 4 cuadraditos encima de tus barras? Debes tener al menos uno de ellos activados para que puedas utilizar sentencia.
  20. As said before: (A ban for the hackers would be nice as well)
  21. Since gms are able to see logs, there's no need on writing fake information Riddick. Both of those chars were and are from him, actually the warrior was geared by him if I'm not wrong and the rogue was bought from the store. Since he didn't share information with anyone there shouldn't be any rule to deny this thread. It shouldn't be tolerated, that because of some random idiot he looses everything he had. +1 on refunding him everything
  22. As experience "motherfucker" isn't considered a family insult, it's considered a player insult
  23. Magically everytime you "aren't hacking" it's cuz you got dc. Since everyone knows you tp hack, it's not difficult to see that you also fly hack. And actually when you get tp in the air by the hacker and you get dc you don't stay like that, you stay in the air as if you were standing on the ground. (happened to me) But since you're "lucky" you won't get banned for that. Sadly no gms give a shit about guru and don't take a look sometimes how it looks. You could avoid some threads by punishing them ingame :).
  24. Jiri

    Wtb priest

    Got one already
  25. Jiri

    Wtb priest

    Depends on what the char has :o
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