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Everything posted by Starsurger

  1. You have to buy HCWF gear because the guild you play with kills them on normal mode hmmmm okay. Stop killing normal mode shit then xDDDD Thats why your still doing normal mode bosses.... please.... Again.. NORMAL MODE is NOT HARD lul 3healers? NORMAL MODE? HELLLOO AHAHAH but please buy him a resto sham they are dog in HC but NM yeah they might be good roflmao I dont raid normal mode so I WOULDNT KNOW We 2 heal heroic mode and you 3 heal normal mode ... but I guess your better than us ROFL. Carried at it's finest. Right if it's that easy make your own team and clear HC please. Young Aotri will hit u up with a carry but it wont be heroic you will just have to 3 heal NM.
  2. You wont see any bugs being used because we're not called LigraiN or Black ViP we're called Solstorm okay?
  3. ye but even if he did, cdew and mes still played with highly experienced pve players, so surely it's the same.
  4. Starsurger

    Kroz dead

    LOL you're so stupid - - - Updated - - - Dw I can kill him easily I have people who will make kroz do anything ... timeless isle doesnt hurt ;)
  5. Starsurger

    Kroz dead

    lul krozz i wanna make u cry and leave discord again little gril.
  6. I dont even have to call you a "retard" you did it yourself. Oh if PVE is so easy please link me your progress if you play legion or go to x100 on pandawow and make a raid and clear it because it's so easy.
  7. Lol your guild is that trash you have to buy gear? ahaha If you had any braincells you would find the link in seconds on the forums so even so that doesn't matter, there is a link you're just to braindead to find it. I have never seen so much QQ from such a shit player lul - - - Updated - - - Because he is a jew - - - Updated - - - M2A is all I will say pmsl.
  8. What? are you just copying what I wrote?
  9. No in your case it's called downsyndrome for a reason.
  10. Called water walking for a reason rofl....
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