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About Vegartko

  • Birthday March 9

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  1. yes playing these and other 2 classes over 2.8 pretty garbage ))))))))))
  2. luntares english is garbage too
  3. change it to 1080p on the side and should be fine. btw kys
  4. name: Mujere realm: fun description: provocative jokes about my mom after lose arena proof: https://vid.me/xC4HU comments: he is horde, so couldnt /who
  5. 1. Noneedholy 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=52012 3. 2.8 - Posting of negative messages about the relatives of players or the administration or veiled insults towards relatives. 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=228980 5. this toxic german player got reported for talking about mom and instead and come to the thread and say sorry and he come and provoke again???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  6. name: Goshz realm: fun description: fdp in french means fils de pute (in english son of a bitch) proof: https://vid.me/4nurj comments: french ofc
  7. name: Noneedrdrood realm: fun description: toxic player talk jokes about my mom after losing arena!!!! proof: https://vid.me/vzgdh comments: banned on discord yesterday for same reason: https://imgur.com/a/vt7OY
  8. name: Gordonkramsi realm: fun description: ntm = fuck your mother in french (nique ta mere): https://mltng.net/meanings/NTM/3984 proof: https://vid.me/f6E1t comments: bb
  9. name: Clod realm: fun description: insult my mom for no reason proof: https://vid.me/EtnQs comments: viva la espana
  10. name: Centuriose realm: fun description: flyhacking around proof: https://vid.me/9PJvI comments: french ofc
  11. name: Clickx realm: fun description: insult my mom after lose arena??????????????????????????????? nice community proof: https://vid.me/XrjqP comments: ban 30d pls
  12. name: bonaparte realm: fun description: this player insult my nationality for no reason, toxic proof: https://vid.me/rbPtW comments: 30d ban this player pls
  13. this russian loser besides scripting is now abusing mmr bug now, another report against him yesterday (http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=228703) no clue why jeger declined, but just ban all these russians
  14. name: luviton realm: fun description: insult dead grandmoms proof: https://vid.me/C4dzc
  15. name: Dralcka, Yachirok, Bakuk realm: x100 description: wintrading for gear proof: https://imgur.com/a/exiop and his arena logs: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=3239169&realm=1&type=1 comments: didnt put all names in report, just check the logs and ban them all
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