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  1. yes :D - - - Updated - - - I can not believe that I was so stupid that I do not know that this is for alliance: / :maybe horde have anyone banner like that? i need one :D
  2. Greetings to people I have a problem with one item "[Gnomeregan Banner]" I bought it at the forum for hm I do not remember about 30 gold coins and when I in the game say "u can never use that item" because I saw a lot of people planting that banner and I can not? Thanks.
  3. haha oke bro thanks good bye :)
  4. Maybe u bro know one more spell ? any Skeleton heads black can spam this as dk-s spell ? :D thanks.
  5. Thank you man so much, if it's not your problem do you know how to take this quest?? : D - - - Updated - - - Ah i found it on wowhead thank u so much idk how to say thanks i find this quest 1 month :P
  6. Hey people I know it's hard to get a name because it's hard to explain how to sleep looks like: There is one spell of green color that other players use is a lot of nice and interesting how can I get it, buy it, find it ??? Looks like a warlok's chaos bolt and looks like it's scattering thanks :)
  7. Nemanja

    How ?

    ima transmog for one hand so i need for one right hand :) - - - Updated - - - ah problem fixed u can close this post thanks :)
  8. Nemanja

    How ?

    People do not understand what's the problem I transform varglaive of Azzinoth In cheat engine it was just an illusion I do not understand what the problem Please help how to transform legendary swords? :(
  9. Last time san asked this post and do what you say or do not go do not go: / iso over to stable master and grilling all Pets and when you reset all something to screw it up and create two drawn whistles and does not work ss of this whistels: http://prntscr.com/dgvna6 idk :P
  10. can somebody give me a unbag a game master gave me sleep engčant i ng of anything to do Charr x100 Rouge name Kogkm
  11. Wait i need first id from my reall degger after of the azzinoth ?
  12. I transmorg but it's just ilusion
  13. thank u u are help me bro :D - - - Updated - - - ima buy so i can't trasmorg :(
  14. Well like asking this deggers Warglaives of Azzinoth , and all I ask in the game / games say you can get them on the forum for 50 bonus but I'm 80 I can not find this deggers be a little help? where to get them on board?
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