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  1. http://imgur.com/a/7ZdYk here is me I challenge - Plien - Slavko - Ousman/Kramsi
  2. Name of the violator: Kurdo Realm, where you saw the violation: Fun Description of the violation: Insulted me You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material: Insults Proof: http://prnt.sc/dnsa34 Comments to the situation: N/A
  3. You literally just outplayed yourself, and called me that u want to ban yourself? Lmao, gg
  4. Well then learn to play, and do not die in 2 seconds, I did nothing wrong. When I say pathetic I mean, grow some balls and try not to be such a woos, and fight. So leave photo shopping to yourself.
  5. As you can see this has been photo shopped. Here are SS of him saying what will he do, and after he did it. http://prnt.sc/dmcsiq http://prnt.sc/dmct77
  6. Da, ne znam sto mi ljudi ne vjeruju haha
  7. Okay :D
  8. - - - Updated - - - Why would I post fake pics lmao, you can ask Lefap or Leroy how I look irl.
  9. This is me. I challenge, Lefap & Leroy http://imgur.com/a/QxvAF
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