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  1. wtb warr with bloody dancing steel,my offer is 770+%,pm me for offers or discuss it here
  2. Hi, Zeox, can you tell us what is the progress with the new website?Is it almost done?Also can you tell us the new features in the control panel?
  3. can someone make some tests and fix this shit class?
  4. omg.....just go to eat taco pls
  5. man,come on..i'm not retard lol, i know who has glad titles on that server.half of the guild are wintraders(артамонка,celtyx)/pqr(ordkill,myskillisbig) and etc ....x100 was dead and now ally has only glad chars and everyone is 2.8k there lol and the most sad part is you never saw them in arena and all of them do backpedal
  6. i know,thats why im asking,those chars never had such titles and suddenly every warlock from that guild has glad title - - - Добавлено - - - i just bought the one warlock and some random retard wanted to sell it to him and he got glad title lol
  7. 1st warlock:thuglifebaby(i don't have screenshot) 2nd warlock:Maldezza http://imgur.com/a/SxtjG both are from x100 if you think that i'm liar and i'm doing fake ss,i will give u full screenshot in PM if u want - - - Добавлено - - - no,i see them,if they used tmorph,only they should see their titles
  8. ye,sec,i did 1 screenshot,i will reply again after 2 min
  9. ok,i saw some warlocks in x100 which got some random glad titles..?how is that possible?i bought some 3k warlock and it was without title(it was 3k before the titles were released) and i sold it and that guy have rival lol,same with another warlock,he got duelist from nowhere...how is that possible?both are from x100 and from the great cheating guild "закрой калитку" ,but how is that possible,anyone knows?
  10. i hope you are right,can't wait for it :)
  11. and maybe hide mmr?
  12. hello,can you remove arena NPC,because everyone uses it to dodge in arenas?we will catch wintraders with the arena logs when the new website is ready.what do you think about that people?let's discuss it.i know it's funny to spectate arenas,but everyone uses it to dodge and it's not fair
  13. i hope people will share some info in this thread and we can solve the problem together easier
  14. can someone test or do some researches and see what actually bugs out and makes all melee classes be beyond op sometimes?dk is broken,ww monk is broken..everybody knows those obvious problems,the point is to do some tests and researches and find out what actually bugs out sometimes
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