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  1. I played WoW when I get Error #132 in the game. I cleared cache and WTF, Interface, and try again, I could log in but still get that error when I join the world. After a while, I tried again and now it's not error, but I'm stuck on " connecting ". Try everything I could, and still stuck on " connecting". Any help maybe?
  2. Just want to say, I fixed my issue with Captcha. I couldn't see captcha it when I try to log in to control panel on the site. I fixed it with ADWCLEANER, he founds 54 threats and removed them, and after that Captcha shows up! GG and thanks for response before Jegermeister! - - - Updated - - - http://forum.pandawow.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=126673&d=1497179530 - - - Updated - - - That was error I get when I try without captcha. Like you see on this link http://forum.pandawow.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=126674&d=1497179599 there is no captcha. And on this one https://scontent.fbeg4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19149140_10209260558819734_71619951616170988_n.jpg?oh=d4b34499f66a0665b6fa3ccd8796623c&oe=59DCFBEA After ADWCleaner did his job :) GG
  3. Hello! I tried to restart laptop and deleted cookies and cache, try with different browsers and still I can't see the captcha. Maybe it's something with windows 10, but nevermind, I will do it with mobile. Thanks anyway!
  4. I will. Thanks so much again!
  5. I deleted cookies and cache but it doesn't work too. I tried with mobile and I see captcha but when I complete captcha it said " login is incorrect" But with that password and login I join here and play on pandawow everyday. - - - Updated - - - Ok, I did it on another lap top. I will try it on my lap top again. I don't know why I couldn't at home.
  6. Hello! I can't log in. I know I wrote correct user and password but everytime I get this error [ATTACH=CONFIG]126673[/ATTACH]. I ask for help on your page on facebook and they told me to complete the captcha but there is no captcha [ATTACH=CONFIG]126674[/ATTACH] please tell me what to do! Thanks in advance!
  7. #showtooltip Mocking Banner /targetexact Demoralizing banner /targetexact Mocking Banner /cast [noraid, noparty, noharm] Intervene /targetlasttarget [noraid, noparty, noharm, exists] /cast Mocking Banner This macro work on every other server. And it worked on this server 2 years ago. Now it's bugged. When i'm in party with someone, and use this macro, it doesn't even use intervene on banner or on party member. It picks some random person near me. I will repeat myself, it was work properly 2 years ago, i played on this server and macro still same but now doesn't work. Sorry for bad english but I hope you understund what i'm talking about. Same macro with Safeguard work properly. I hope it will be fixed with intervene. Have fun. I already wrote this feed on " bug tracker " channel but none answers.
  8. I tried that one too, but still the same thing happends. With safeguard working normally, but I won't use safeguard cause I want mass spell reflect. It should work with intervene too :/
  9. Yes, but then I can't use it in arena or battleground cause i'm in party! Macro is good. He work properly before on pandawow. Now is bugged.
  10. #showtooltip Mocking Banner /targetexact Demoralizing banner /targetexact Mocking Banner /cast [noraid, noparty, noharm] Intervene /targetlasttarget [noraid, noparty, noharm, exists] /cast Mocking Banner This macro work on every other server. And it worked on this server 2 years ago. Now it's bugged. When i'm in party with someone, and use this macro, it doesn't even use intervene on banner or on party member. It picks some random person near me. I will repeat myself, it was work properly 2 years ago, i played on this server and macro still same but now doesn't work. Sorry for bad english but I hope you understund what i'm talking about. Same macro with Safeguard work properly. I hope it will be fixed with intervene. Have fun. :)
  11. Hi there! :) I got achievements on my alt and got rewards form them. Vicious saddle x2. But on my main I have achievements too, but didn't get rewards, didn't get vicious saddle. Can someone help me about that? Can I get it somehow cause I have achievements. Thanks in advance! :)
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