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About 3rturk

  • Birthday 08/02/1989

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  1. They say 'check after update' not 'restart' I don't know when is the new update.
  2. https://db.pandawow.me?spell=120697 This spell doesn't hit players from behind, it's supposed to work like https://db.pandawow.me?spell=61851 Here as u can see still hitting from the front and all damage is dodged by rogues. It should hit like in this arena videos. Priority is 9
  3. 1- https://db.pandawow.me?spell=51753 2- Hello, i would like to report hunter spell https://db.pandawow.me?spell=51753 I am using https://db.pandawow.me?item=105472 with my hunter which decrease the cooldowns of 6 of my spells including https://db.pandawow.me?spell=51753 So i'm normally able to stay in camouflage as long as i want to. But when i try to move and cast https://db.pandawow.me?spell=51753 my pet becomes visible to enemy players and they spot my location and attack me. 3- I believe my pet shouldn't be visible when use https://db.pandawow.me?spell=51753 while in https://db.pandawow.me?spell=51753 already. 4- Pandawow Fun 5- Priority is 9 because it effects every Hunter in the server. Hard time in bgs , arenas , and world pvp.
  4. Okay so that's not a bug. Thank you.
  5. 1- Spell name: https://db.pandawow.me?spell=90361 2- This is a Spirit Beast hunter pet special spell and it's periodically heals the target for like 15-20k (30k with crit). When you use the spell called https://db.pandawow.me?spell=121818 all pets don't use the spell on you, Only 1 pet do. 3- When you use https://db.pandawow.me?spell=121818 while you are using the glyph https://db.pandawow.me?spell=57902 ALL pets should cast the spell on you like they did with https://db.pandawow.me?spell=53480 as you can see in the video above. You can see how the spell should work down below in the video from youtube. Just check the video's 3:00 to see it. The realm : Pandawow Fun Priority is 5
  6. https://db.pandawow.me?spell=120697 Hello, i was using this hunter spell in world pvp and suddenly realized that it's causing all mobs around me to target me and gather around me even the yellow colored neutral npcs. It also keeps me in combat when i move away from the area. You can clearly see in the videos i record. That clearly looks like a bug but i'm gonna need you guys to investigate it. Thank you. This situation happened in Pandawow Fun realm today. Priority is like 8 because i keep dying in world pvp just because of this combat bug.
  7. 1- https://db.pandawow.me?spell=131894 2- The spell A Murder of Crows is a spell of hunters that damages players every 0.5 seconds and it's supposed to damage rogues , druids and every stealth based class in https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=58984 , https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=1856, https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=1784 etc. Also players can stand without combat in front of the hunter. Realm: Pandawow Fun Priority: 5
  8. Yeah you ask to remove logout so you guys can continue abusing Alt f4 and logging with another char in same account without buying premium with 10 rogues in same account :) Nice make pandawow lose money and u keep abuse instant logout in 'Cloak Vanish , Alt tab and Log same account again and DC yourself to log other rogue. You guys are abusers. Can't do anything without abusing anything in this server. This is the example of how u idiots abuse 10 rogues in 1 account without premium
  9. 1-Player Name: Rekick, Circuit, Ratpunk, Rawrshock, Shockbyte, Sheared, Byter, Biggibig, Sixthells, Keywords, Illusive, Exnitiationn, 2-Realm: Fun 3-Multiboxing in gurubashi , Please watch the videos closely , How can someone alt tab and cast Chain heal 6 times in 3 seconds and move at the same time??? , This would be a world record. He is definitely multiboxing in guru, even if he's not using a program, He definitely does something to abuse the rules of Pandawow. 4-
  10. No you are so pathetic to try to keep us offline so you can login to Guru without dying.... I called my provider to change my static ip so u better stop this.
  11. Stop ddossing me men i can't login to game wtf.
  12. Where's the report if he banned you? lol you just keep sharing my ip.. Stop it man.
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