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  1. Ein
  2. I cant sell character when i try it said : http://imgur.com/p43WK7s ...i have 0gold,0silver and 0 cooper also not in guild ,have 7 days played and i try repair char and fix buggs and errors try with pc phone same happen ...i even delete char and recive back still problem is on can you fix that please char name Draxller
  3. I cant sell character when i try it said : http://imgur.com/p43WK7s ...i have 0gold,0silver and 0 cooper also not in guild ,have 7 days played and i try repair char and fix buggs and errors try with pc phone same happen ...i even delete char and recive back still problem is on can you fix that please char name Draxller
  4. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, i bought this morning a Priest named: Хотабыча, but this Char was a big Scam, because this Char has only 85 PVP Equipment. My Question now is, can I get the Equipment or my Coins back? Please! with best regards merdyth
  5. Hallösch'n, liebe deutsche Gemeinschaft! Wir, die Gilde "GOING HAM NIGGY", sind auf der Suche nach Gleichgesinnten und laden Dich herzlichst ein, uns auf Seiten der Allianz beizutreten. Zurzeit bestehen wir aus einer kleinen Gruppe von 7 aktiven Wiedereinsteigern und wollen einen Anlaufspunkt auf dem FUN-Realm für die deutsche Community bieten. Bist Du ein bisschen geistig neben der Spur und hast nichts gegen Autisten, dann melde Dich bei mir ingame oder adde mich auf Discord unter folgenden Namen: Discord: ownalisa#0743 Ingame-Namen: Lexibell, Alucia, Cuddlunicorn
  7. i had -204 bonus and now i payed it from my phone but i still cant logg in can u help me?
  8. i had -204 bonus and now i payed and i have 21 bonuses but still cant loggin can any gm unban or something other me?
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