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  1. Hello, 1. Repitchx 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=42187 3. 2.2 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=222193&p=1331456&viewfull=1#post1331456 5. Enjoy. :)
  2. Here is how I see this thread: You left Pandawow and went to another server and asked for a MoP server but you got rejected because that server owner is a friend of Zeox. And now you're sucking so desperately to have sympathy from Zeox to give you back your position in the staff, but guess what? You already have betrayed Zeox, so he want fall for it twice. You have lost it by your own hands and now you regret it, so take your abusers/cheaters/win-tradering friends with you and leave!!!!
  3. Agreed. :)
  4. Let your mom do it first. :)
  5. Oooooh my God!!!!! The legendary shaman, the master himself, welcome back senpai.
  6. I believe that Zeox said it's no longor useful to use this thread and suggested to do one on QA Section. Btw, where's your glad title under your name?
  7. Stop banning Pujo for God's sake. He's not doing anything wrong. If you say read the rules, then FU*K the rules!!! You people should ban players like Noneed the most stup*d, tox*c and racist player here. :)
  8. No you're both retarded and Pujo is smart. Sharing this reset exploit in public will get it fixed, that's what he meant.
  9. Don't you get that there's no true answer? Just like the season start due date, nothing is accurate. So if a GM replied now and said "next week" and then next week nothing happened, you gonna make another thread? Just wait and stop annoying everyone with such questions. Your answer: server update will be there when it's ready. ;)
  10. I mean I support that you're not quiting on having your main account unbanned! Also, I support that you're not leaving Pandawow!
  11. Keep going Pujo, we support you. :)
  12. How about fixing friend list? Where sometimes adding some memebers and then logging out drops them from the list. Many players are having this issue. Also, when you are on cross realm, you're appearing as offline. Nothing to fix that?
  13. Unban Pujo's main character Zeox! NOW!!!
  14. Banning you all the time is unjust, you deserve another chance. With your new accounts I don't see you doing any harm. jeger is unjust!
  15. No, this should stay as it is. That's why it is good to reach high rating, to enjoy such features. Don't do it Zeox, thank you.
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