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stop tryharding nazimod

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  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=42187 New account.
  2. its not him, is a perch, why everyone is so blind lol truth for the beech - - - Updated - - - that isn't even a rule, everyone breaks it constantly, like you for example
  3. when will u duel me 1c1? :mocking:
  4. it isn't you, its a perch, are u blind?
  5. as i said, u skip the 1c1 thing, so sad perch boy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERm0lTuqXH8
  6. my mami does - - - Updated - - - since when forum accounts matter lmao - - - Updated - - - i destroy you but okay, live ur dreams :mocking: 1c1 me whenever u want, oh wait, you will say something for not doing it :mocking: - - - Updated - - - we're talking the same, try something else, perch fat boi - - - Updated - - - that's actually embarassing for you, since u are proud of doing 2c1 vs a player with 50% hp and no cd's, while i am doing x7 times more dmg than you with 550 set and x2 more dmg than autch with also, but im using 520ilvl set, sorry for being better in game and irl :mocking:, how it feels to be carried by a low char? lmao http://i.imgur.com/9xZmvGp.jpg ups
  7. Its because im not reputich? :( http://i.imgur.com/hdmvSur.png
  8. 2.6 & 2.10 rule
  9. i am reptich, i lost my arguments, so i just say shut up xd xd xd xd xd
  10. then u must listen it girl
  11. watch the video with sound nab
  12. they don't have brain so they need your smart brain? rack boi im still waiting for necrotic strike fix :) - - - Updated - - - nice declined post http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194485 my posts don't get declined if im right, nab, you are prescindible for bug fixing, devs do all the job, not you, stop throwing flowers to yourself lmao - - - Updated - - - here comes the aids spread boi noneed
  13. 1. NO 2. YES 3. YES
  14. yes, u fixed all, deathmouse and heisenberg did nothing at all. (sarcasm)
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