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bananasHD last won the day on March 23 2017

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  1. going back to losing gm's time? u don't learn kid
  2. bananasHD

    bg queing

    problem: You can't que in group/raid, it just que's the leader but not the other members. how should be: u shold be able to que with groups for bg fun realm
  3. idk then, but i can't que with group, it que's me alone
  4. just noticed that group que's sometiems don't work at all, just the leader get in que, anyone noticed?
  5. did u heart about mind control hacks? how u think they fixed it? Mind control hack = you don't die because they did this change. - - - Updated - - - uops http://i.imgur.com/ta96Xjm.png
  6. someone should make a list of retail bugs
  7. :crab:
  8. crashed or disconected from cross realm? i didn't got any disconect from game, just from cross realm
  9. http://i.imgur.com/l7291cB.png http://i.imgur.com/2jt9xSe.png :crab:
  10. 8/10 i knew that song
  11. soemone should check why is cross server crashing 24/7 today, its been like 20 times in 1 day
  12. you need to do scenarios, to get Valour points for upgrade, each upgrade, you can upgrade near transmog npc
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