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Everything posted by hamzalagab

  1. Name: sappic realm: xFun proof: https://imgur.com/a/2fvdm Dk was afk whole game in that area nd since its impossible to charge or use any spell that can get u there he must be using fly hack .
  2. Name:gnaarqt Realm:xFun Proof:https://imgur.com/a/cW4Cy time:14:50 . 01/01/2018
  3. name:Bunnyone,Bunnytwo,Bunnythree Realm:xFun proof:https://imgur.com/a/HXTy5 time:15:08 01/01/2018
  4. name : i can't write russian idk time : 23:11pm . 28/12/2017 Realm: pandawow xFun Proof: https://imgur.com/a/tZnrK reason : hes basically using flying hack on 3v3 arena and we can't touch him because hes too high.
  5. Name:Ostosgetdmg Reason: Disrespecting my parents Realm: xFun time : 14:41 pm . 24/12/2017 Proof : https://imgur.com/a/E694o . Unfull pic basicly i said you have rly high iq nd he said just like ur mom nd dad which it means in my opinion he means that i'm parents are retarded ? Comments on the situation: He shoulden't do thats that's totally unacceptable ... Hope you do something about it.
  6. Hi I've been out ov game for 2 weeks when i camed back i tryed to log my game but i couldnt idk why i went ot website my acc workt but i found out on acc ban there is this [banned: Yes (until 2017-04-06 18:27:52) Reason: Failed login autoban] i debanned it with 15 bonuess then i logged again same thing i went to website found that again i payed 15 bonuess same thing help me here ...
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