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Everything posted by randommoderator

  1. no, why? because u are mad for no reason, don't blame a forum user if your real life suck, so stop the hating potato kid.
  2. he isn't staff member, he is just a slave that does the job of testing posible bugs and report them, like any other player can do.
  3. Exactly, and i didn't, so stop anoying zeox. He said stop creating useles topics in general section and i did stop, so stop crying like babies. the only thing that is happening is that reptich is spaming reports for rule 2,16 randomly - - - Updated - - - thats what everyone think when they see ur face :crab: - - - Updated - - - without respecting their own rules, got perm bann with 2 alt acc during main ban. The rule says 5, not 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=216000&p=1288128&viewfull=1#post1288128 so i'll keep using forum since the ban wasn't following forum rules.
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