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Everything posted by Vinkima
ест танк Предметы?
он все еще продается?
когда Воитель Голин будет выпущен? http://db.pandawow.me?npc=70101 / http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=70101
There was a report about it months ago. Still now working
its supposed to be 9sec instead of 7? cuz i tested it now and its 7sec with the glyph .
Cmon now... This is such an annoying bug..
ответ / answer : '' Just be patient, answer will be given from developers as soon as possible.Closed'' http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=217615&page=10
People see things differently,some prefer a specific class to be nerfed and another buffed. I dont think thay way i dont have anything against different classes ,every class should work properly . In this case i think that warrior class have some kind of a problem .Since a lot of people think the same that means, that there is an actual problem ,which should be checked and tested. + Noneed said '' The thing is yes, Milo's proof wasnt a 100% proof that it has to work like that. But it was more than everyone else delivered till yet plus it looks legit. '' . So its not 100% valid , since its not then more tests should be made. The russian guy have a point and i dont see a problem in checking his ''report''.
Its been tested on player who did not use any spell ,he removed all of his procs during the test . its been tested on druid,shaman,priest (not a good example cuz of FW) ,monk and the dmg is too low. I dont know what exactly is bugged ,but obv there is somekind of a problem.
May be. But people are wondering and they are comparing their dmg with the dmg which is done in blizz on 5.4.8 . There are a lot of guides in which players are showing their dmg and rotation and we can all see the difference. Yeah ,some will say that he had differenet gems ,enchants and etc well i can say i had the same i changed gems ,enchants everything and my dmg was way way different (lower) . Idk but someone have to check.
Well i dont think so ,cuz im asking normal questions to QA ,Gms and etc to find out whats bugged, im talking like a normal person ,while you here talk nonsense .. If you dont have anything smart enough to say which affects the topic dont write.
Oh,Jesus :D .. Dude you srsly have some issue, but formus is not the right place for you to share them,so gtfo .
And you are pure example of it,correct?
i think you have some mental problems,srsly... lol
OFC,people will START leaving cuz there are bugs some are gamebreaking other are not ,but both should get fixed ,if they dont get fixed people will start leaving. On the other hand people will KEEP leaving for the exact same reason and few more . What exactly you didnt understand ?!
All im saying is that obv there is a bugg with the dmg its lower like a lot ,and it must be checked why . A lot of pleyers from both sides Russian and Eglish are saying that the dmg is nerfed a lot you can check the russian section . Im not saying that this guy on battle net is right ,im saying that mby they bugged something when they applied the fix . Mby it really affects Mortal S. ,slam,overpower, Heroic s. and the normal melee,it must be checked.
I found this on battle.net forums '' Seasoned Soldier increases our overall damage by that 25%. This means Mortal Strike, Slam, Overpower, Heroic Strike and normal melee attacks damage is increased by that 25% '' . ? http://imgur.com/a/Xrc0z
well then something is wrong ,if so many people think that way . im not saying boost warriors , but obv there is a problem with the dmg.
It is funny yeah. Considering how many people left pwow for warmane and firestorm it is funny. it is good yeah. Also Dks,Warlocks,Priests almost every class but i dont see locks doing less dmg,or Dk's ? Priest was so broken and still is but when it comes for warriors you all start nagging ppl just cuz they asked whats wrong with their class - - - Добавлено - - - so 80% of the warriors in pwow are bad , is that what youre sayin? Cuz if you think that im the only one who thinks that warriors are bugged check russian section
Yeah they do . Mby someone have to check why . I can play my class even now but the dmg is too low.
If you call this fix then you dont know how warrior should work ;)