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Everything posted by reecen38

  1. fuck off you cunt
  2. true that, its also doesn't knock ppl into trap, explosive trap is buggy af atm
  3. bump this seriously needs fixed, on live you could play MM/healer as MM damage was insane but on here i never see it being played (for MM being weaker than it should be).. would love hunter to be fixed properly!
  4. bump
  5. this needs fixed asap
  6. LOL xD
  7. this needs to be fixed ASAP
  8. reecen38

    Scatter shot

    fix this asappppppp
  9. nah yeah you're right, imma just put the time in tbh its only a few games a day for cap
  10. LOL yeah im sure it isn't, i'd have to lose a lot of games to people who out gear me and nothing else though and that is pretty lame. bare in mind thats a week that i could have been having loads of fun instead of being frustrated at not being able to kill anything. I'm playing on someones full prideful gear hunter atm and its a breeze , log into my own hunter and its literally a struggle to kill anything after 1700mmr.
  11. having lower arena mmr active based on people not having gear isn't 'fun', i see what u mean and i agree but be real, do you actually think its fun to sit there and grind full prideful when you start in tyrannical gear and have no chance at beating people with way better gear? The gear difference is so insane its actually nuts Imo, the only fun is arena in equal gear not bgs and getting stomped by full prideful 1400mmr players.
  12. one of you boys reading this cap me please LMAO getting full prideful is hard, i played on a full prideful hunter and the difference is literally INSANE. I can't kill shit on this tyrannical hunter but if i go full prideful hunter they die insta @zeox whats the point of a FUN SERVER if i have to spend a week or two getting owned in full tyrannical, grinding gear btw i actually rly wanna know
  13. hello its me again, can i have prideful gear now pls
  14. Hey, I sent a message requesting prideful gear with all the details (as I have glad etc.) but haven't heard back from anyone and I've waited quite a bit. Are you still giving out prideful gear, if so: Character name: Rxaxaxaxa Spec: Marksmanship Class: Hunter Race: Human GLAD PROOF Arena Junkies: http://www.arenajunkies.com/user/260965-kappadin/ ARMORY: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/dragonblight/reeceboss Thanks, Reecen38
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