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  1. Hey, there is 2 teams who are queing 3s, and losing to each other on purpose. We qued 3s and 15 timmes in a row there were nobody in arena all tho the que poped. Why they were not in arena? Because they communicate, and they knew that the que didn't poped for 1 of the teams. THEIR NAMES: Алюська Масюнечька Knopy Pharhad Kruegerswife Takerel FUN REALM screenn shots with their names [ATTACH=CONFIG]127322[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]127325[/ATTACH] screen shots from the 1 team afking while the other kill them [ATTACH=CONFIG]127324[/ATTACH]
  2. Jesk

    My first pvp movie

    idk how to remove that filmora mark tho((
  3. Здравстуйте! Я создал не особо хороший пвп монтаж по дестро локу. Мне интересно ваше мнение а также я собираюсь делать гайды по дуэлям за дестро лока. ссылка на видео
  4. Jesk

    My first pvp movie

    Yo, i have been recording now for some days. Yersterday i put the clips together and today i have uploaded the video. I am thinking about making more vids, such as dueling guides for destro, other montages and stuff. here is the link
  5. Jesk

    1v1 arena??

    I saw a goblin which shows 1v1 arena rating in orgrimmar today. Does that mean that 1v1 arenas are available now? And if yes, how do i que it?
  6. Jesk

    LF 2v2 partner.

    Hey, i am playing destro and i am looking for a good partner as well. I also play boomie and ret if you want to. I really want to get over 2.2 again.
  7. Jesk

    destruction warlock

    :), ill try to do some more detailed guides, but first ill try release a short warlock 1vx, and see how people react.
  8. Jesk

    дестро лок?

  9. Jesk

    destruction warlock

    The one Autchis or whatever he called? Well he is making his content and i will be making mine. If there is anybody who wants to watch then iwill be making it, if not i just drop it
  10. Jesk

    destruction warlock

    Hey guys, i am about to start making videos of warlock gameplay. I want to make guides and duel guides/arena guides abd other stuff i can come up with. The question is if you need that or not?
  11. Jesk

    дестро лок?

    Здравствуйте, я хочу начать делать видео и гайды по дестро локу 5.4.8. Разные гайды типо дуэльных, военных, сэтапов, бгшных и т.д. Вопрос заключается в том что надо ли вам это?
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