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  1. realm:Fun name:Onshotonedie Faction : Alliance. racial insults. SS [ATTACH=CONFIG]129735[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]129736[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]129737[/ATTACH]
  2. Name:Ayllinbrake Server: Fun Race:Horde Troll. Problem, Bug abusing Heart of wild, natures vigil. Screenshot https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/345002193566564354/357692527559573506/WoWScrnShot_091417_012717.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/345002193566564354/357692540947922954/WoWScrnShot_091417_012718.jpg [ATTACH=CONFIG]128368[/ATTACH]
  3. name Darkrøzzes Server Fun Reason Mother insults. ScreenShot [ATTACH=CONFIG]128190[/ATTACH]
  4. NAME: Amorleine Server: Fun Problem: Scripting. Screen shots. https://imgur.com/gallery/VaNdB
  5. 1-100000 script spamming. Name Shankuu Server Fun. [ATTACH=CONFIG]128176[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]128177[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]128178[/ATTACH]
  6. Name : Nojikori Server : Fun Problem : talent abuse. [ATTACH=CONFIG]127526[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]127526[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]127527[/ATTACH]
  7. Reset my PW after being hacked, sent me an email with new info, new info doesnt work, says Invalid Username or PW. ive reset it a few times and nothings worked
  8. My account was hacked, and one of my characters was sold. I've talked to the person who has bought my character. they stated they bought it around 10 Am US time.
  9. Still didn't work
  10. Deeniikk was hacking in a WSG. I have proof he did absolutely nothing.
  11. I bought a character customization to change my name, and it says could not customize when I log in.
  12. working on it now, thank you for the quick response
  13. i did as said, copied the new English WTF/config folder over. it wont launch the game now. it wont let me change the flag so i can change the original CONFIG folder over. what do i do.
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