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  1. Hmm yes you can see that they wintrade. Get them banned :D
  2. Astroe I think Press is right stop insult his mother and so on. Insults are not allowed here. Good luck for you Astroe to get no ban
  3. 2.6 rule
  4. Okay yes its truth I am banned but I just want to report wintraders. And this wasnt cuz look the time and the dmg then you will see it.
  5. 1. Topic title should contain violator's name and short description of the report (obscene speech, player insults etc.): Druidgodqtx and Specialol vs Ayrisa and 2. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat): Druidgodqtx and Specialol 3. Realm, where you saw the violation: Fun 4. Description of the violation (write please in English very clearly and understandably): Wintrading in 2s Druidgodqtx and Specialol vs Ayrisa and Ахматова (more in screenshots) 5. Proof: screenshots or video (depending on the requirements): http://imgur.com/a/zZ7g4 Please ban this wintraders :D
  6. 1. Name of character, which has been banned: Ilikeoneshot and Palygodqt 2. The realm, where you have been banned: Pandawow-Fun 3. The reason of your ban/mute. You can look at it in control panel: Teleport Hacking 4. Date and time, when you have been banned: 2017-06-15 12:23:13 a.m. 5. Time of your ban/mute. Until what date you are banned: 2017-07-15 12:23:13 a.m. 6. Why do you think we should unlock you? Describe in detail what happened: I was reported by Chainzrow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pjY...ature=youtu.be the other videos he posted wasnt me (Elanlex and so on). Okay its just like I came from the graveyard like 1,20 minutes. Idk why but I could get to it in 1,20 minutes. And the other one was insult (Palygodqt my other char). I just said with him that I can rape his mother if he want not more. And its not a insult to rape the mother from anyone I think so. Thanks for helping me out :D
  7. Hello guys I got a big problem with my Email: 1. Account name: Iamdruidgodqt 2. Realm: Pandawow-Fun and Pandawow-x100 3. My current Email: Pandaerik@gmx.at And on which email I want to change to: Erik2002Godl@gmail.com 4. My Ip Adress: 5. Proofs that I am the real Owner: (Ilikeoneshot): http://imgur.com/a/zlzyW was on 28 april http://imgur.com/a/qOYtx on 25 Mai (Tmorph pictures). (Palygodqt): http://imgur.com/a/88Uc6 was on 31 march http://imgur.com/a/x6aVe on 29 Mai. Proofs that this is my email: https://prnt.sc/ffi8bx 6. My problem: I cant change my email for some reason Idk which I need to change cuz I cant logg in without it and I need new password. I am using GMX-Mail. I wish you can help me thanks for help :D
  8. No I dont get emails in my spam folder or something what to do now that I can have my account back? Can you write me email to change email to my other or something? Email what I have: Pandaerik@gmx.at Email what I want to change: Erik2002Godl@gmail.com
  9. Hello Pandawow.ru Team I got a Problem with Login in on Control Panel and Ingame: 1. My Account Name: Iamdruidgodqt 2. Realm: Fun: (Ilikeoneshot,Palygodqt) X-100: (Roguegodqt) 3. My current Email: Pandaerik@gmx.at 4. My Ip Adress: 5. My Problem: before it started I logged into my pandawow account played 1vs1 then I wanted Change my Password didnt get email after that I clicked on a old Password link then I played 1vs1 5 hours after I was tired then I logged out of my account then I tried to logg in again I tried like 100 times it doesnt work on Control Panel too I tried to reset my Password it doesnt work cuz I dont get email from pandawow. The error stand on website called your username or password is wrong. I tried delete cookies everything backuped my pc 2 times and still doesnt work ingame too. Thanks for help ;D Please try to help my thanks I love my account very much and I got much donated Things so I Need him back
  10. Hay. I did but it still doesnt work my Password (if you Need it for checking I Write you pm). Hmm I Need new Password I think I got a Password now what I cant remember that I changed it can you write me a email with my Password and I click on link Password reset or something I had this error never in my life again my friends what have my acc too cant logg in I gave my bro (irl) this acc too but he dont have my email. THANKS for helping me
  11. I cant fix my character cuz I dont can join the Control Panel ingame is error that the account doesnt exist and on the web that the accountname or Password is wrong and I dont get email for reset Password.
  12. Hello Pandawow.ru Team I got a Problem with Login in on Control Panel and Ingame: 1. My Account Name: Iamdruidgodqt 2. Realm: Fun: (Ilikeoneshot,Palygodqt) X-100: (Roguegodqt) 3. My current Email: Pandaerik@gmx.at 4. My Ip Adress: 5. My Problem: before it started I logged into my pandawow account played 1vs1 then I wanted Change my Password didnt get email after that I clicked on a old Password link then I played 1vs1 5 hours after I was tired then I logged out of my account then I tried to logg in again I tried like 100 times it doesnt work on Control Panel too I tried to reset my Password it doesnt work cuz I dont get email from pandawow. Please try to help my thanks I love my account very much and I got much donated Things so I Need him back :D :heart:
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