1. Name of character, which has been banned: Ilikeoneshot and Palygodqt
2. The realm, where you have been banned: Pandawow-Fun
3. The reason of your ban/mute. You can look at it in control panel: Teleport Hacking
4. Date and time, when you have been banned: 2017-06-15 12:23:13 a.m.
5. Time of your ban/mute. Until what date you are banned: 2017-07-15 12:23:13 a.m.
6. Why do you think we should unlock you? Describe in detail what happened: I was reported by Chainzrow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pjY...ature=youtu.be the other videos he posted wasnt me (Elanlex and so on). Okay its just like I came from the graveyard like 1,20 minutes. Idk why but I could get to it in 1,20 minutes.
And the other one was insult (Palygodqt my other char). I just said with him that I can rape his mother if he want not more. And its not a insult to rape the mother from anyone I think so.
Thanks for helping me out :D