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Everything posted by özilledik

  1. Sell me your OP pet
  2. Hello! Please contact me ING. My chars: Swack,Wolfledi,Kandix. Kandix this is the name of the druid.
  3. WTS 550-555 DRUID! Alliance Night Elf Female 550balance, 550feral, 550resto - 3 DIFFERENT PvP item sets. Shaman+Druid CM set. Other dope tmogs. 555 Balance gear wich contains 575belt,569off hand, 582 Black Blood of Ysharj(hc wf trinket), 582 Purified Bindings of Immerseus(hc wf trinket). Also this druid has "Defender of the Wall" title, which is dope because it's so fakin' rare.
  4. no, x 100
  5. WTB 575+ character! - transmog sets - 550 pvp set paying well.
  6. They are r1 kids.
  7. Two words mate, Xuen Monk xDDDDDDDD
  8. It's so sad, r1 ppl from deport inc. can't even kill malkorok hc. But remember guys, they are r1 balance/resto druid, encha/resto sham, warrior, holy priest.
  9. Hello there. I have a 578 warlock for sell. Ofc it has 550pvp gear too. Also selling 579 mage.
  10. Hello, selling Druid! - Ilvl: 579balance,572guardian,564feral,568resto. -This one char has alot of tmogs -Many titles like: Elder etc. Price: 1100+% Name:Nikemvp
  11. Hello. WTB 578+ character! -Pref: Rogue,Priest,Shaman(encha),Warlock.
  12. Hello ^^ . Please add the following item to the two-handed axes on the store. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=105644/xalatoh-desecrated-image-of-gorehowl Heroic Warforged 572ilevel.
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