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  1. Just what the title says: - rate the songs of other people if u want (it doesn't need to be the last song someone posted) - if u don't want to rate because is a music genre that u don't enjoy or any other reason, just don't rate and post another song you like - share what you like so other people may like it too thanks to you (similar to the Rate the music post but a little diferent)
  2. removed xd - - - Добавлено - - - removed explosions xd
  3. do u know what click bait means? btw is click, not clip :/
  4. give me my gladiator title then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XPHmlzd7mk i was top 5 in 2c ranking long time ago..
  5. mimimimi :D
  6. wtf id happend in your brain here? i've use the "" for a reason xd
  7. i complain about lag when im on 60ms, i use to be on 31-41
  8. are you a "milf"?
  9. genere issue, girls do less dmg kappa
  10. i would recomend to stop doing polls because just 20 players answer and there are more than 3.000 players on pwow
  11. irl? :0 - - - Добавлено - - - how does this shit get 100milion views, stupid humanity..
  12. http://i.imgur.com/xA2ElgM.jpg learn how to post pictures :v
  13. mimimimimi
  14. https://i.gyazo.com/5bdcbc353c93bb6638744c1aa8efe63f.jpg this is the only proper photo :P
  15. man, the fisical appearance has nothing to do here, judge what people do/think, or show yourself before criticize so other people can also criticize you - - - Добавлено - - - what happens now with warriors?
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