Zeox listen you're not getting what a STEALTH NERF is, I'll explain.
A stealth nerf is a nerf that blizzard does to a spell/ability/talent/glyph without showing it in a changelog or a patch note, they stealth nerf things when it gets out of hand and becomes too overpowered. Examples are:
Counter Strike Totem, Warrior damage in late 5.4.7 soul reaper critical chance.
Counter Strike Totem was basically touch of karma that would hit the lowest health enemy on the other team, before the nerf you would take as much damage as you would deal regardless of range and line of sight. Blizzard changed that with a stealth nerf giving it a range restriction and 1,000,000 damage capacity.
When the game updated to 5.4.8 warrior damage went kinda down to a more reasonable state rather than one shotting you or dealing constant really really high pressure without cooldowns like on pandawow, I believe this was the result of a stealth nerf.
Soul Reaper Critical Strike chance was noticeably reduced from 5.4-5.4.2, also a stealth nerf. In this nerf they made reaper have a lower crit chance cause reapers were critting left and right and killing people from 30-0 CONSTANTLY. Also a stealth nerf.
You see where I'm going with this? We SHOULD update the core othwerwise warriors are just gonna be this way without a fix and people are just gonna leave cause of that. We are missing out on a lot of stealth buffs/nerfs that blizzard added in 5.4.8 so just consider it positively.