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Everything posted by LovePandaWoW
Let's make PandaWoW great again! (Jk let's make it great for the first time) Old Blade's Edge: [ATTACH=CONFIG]130619[/ATTACH]
I lost Polymorph Tome: Turtle on my mage. I fished it in Uldum, server crashed and the item was missing from my inventory. name's Lanceorsheep
https://gyazo.com/760e11e9b0515d643f1374b61f975ef3 ever heared of english 101?
In the site.
I have orb bot for my dk.
It's the same as using feral charge as feral to basically run at the hunter and get a pounce on him even if you're on top of his flare, or a rogue shadow stepping and getting a cheapshot without breaking his stealth. That worked on retail cause of timing, same with deter.
That's not really redesigning, zeox said that they don't do custom changes, and considering this was how it ws on retail fixing it or not bugging it to the way it was would be a custom fix.
talking bout retail homie
Happened to me with asphyx tho.
Step 1: DDOS them. If that didn't work then there's always step 2 Step 2: Queue holy paly TSG into them and rush the shaman/druid/mage gg you win. If either of these didn't work you're doing something wrong. GL HF
Pandawow - Problems and Chances - Discussion
LovePandaWoW replied to Autschbatsch's topic in General Discussion
Yeah pandawow pvp is the best mop private server pvp, BUT IT'S STILL SHIT look at the proof almost 2000 people left in the past 2 years I'm here, several months ago a lot of retail players left the server after they've been given full prideful gear on a char of their choosing. In their mind and basically in the mind of every person who played mop on retail pandawow is a dump with awful PvP with classes so dumb and broken you just can't win unless you outright counter comp them. -
Pandawow - Problems and Chances - Discussion
LovePandaWoW replied to Autschbatsch's topic in General Discussion
Zeox listen you're not getting what a STEALTH NERF is, I'll explain. A stealth nerf is a nerf that blizzard does to a spell/ability/talent/glyph without showing it in a changelog or a patch note, they stealth nerf things when it gets out of hand and becomes too overpowered. Examples are: Counter Strike Totem, Warrior damage in late 5.4.7 soul reaper critical chance. Counter Strike Totem was basically touch of karma that would hit the lowest health enemy on the other team, before the nerf you would take as much damage as you would deal regardless of range and line of sight. Blizzard changed that with a stealth nerf giving it a range restriction and 1,000,000 damage capacity. When the game updated to 5.4.8 warrior damage went kinda down to a more reasonable state rather than one shotting you or dealing constant really really high pressure without cooldowns like on pandawow, I believe this was the result of a stealth nerf. Soul Reaper Critical Strike chance was noticeably reduced from 5.4-5.4.2, also a stealth nerf. In this nerf they made reaper have a lower crit chance cause reapers were critting left and right and killing people from 30-0 CONSTANTLY. Also a stealth nerf. You see where I'm going with this? We SHOULD update the core othwerwise warriors are just gonna be this way without a fix and people are just gonna leave cause of that. We are missing out on a lot of stealth buffs/nerfs that blizzard added in 5.4.8 so just consider it positively. -
Pandawow - Problems and Chances - Discussion
LovePandaWoW replied to Autschbatsch's topic in General Discussion
I'm pretty sure there was a 10% damage stealth nerf to warriors at 5.4.8 because in 5.4.7 they started getting ridicolus. Maybe if we update the core then warrior damage will just get fixed cause of the patch. - - - Updated - - - Jungle should fuck WMD sideways every day of the week, you just gotta keep your hunter alive and it's gg. -
Varyslechauv Fun Uses 2 talents of the same tier at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oETa46kC9dE&feature=youtu.be
Shut up you filthy warrior player. If you've never played retail but you do play retarded bugged classes on pandawow I suggest you keep your mouth shut.
Shall I remind you how I farmed you in 3s on every char I have (I have 9 chars btw), and that you're the type of guy to make his mom rent half your house to pay for a booter? Oh and one more thing, you're the kind of guy to lose to a random hunter holy paly as ua lock rsham with voice tryharding.
how can someone ddos and wintrade on a private server :confused: - - - Updated - - - wrong, try again.
yo pujo how's border crossing going? have you finally managed to do it?
It's an asphyxiate bug, asphyxiate is a joke right now.
Happens with rogue stealth and vanish too.
Well Djrainfreeze you lose to those teams, so you can't really talk shit lul.
Insults towards parents
LovePandaWoW replied to LovePandaWoW's topic in Report a player or forum user
First things first, nobody threatened you don't lie. Secondly not knowing the rules does not mean you get to avoid the punishment for breaking them. Thirdly don't make things up, the video makes everything clear. Lastly if you know you broke the rules then you know you should be punished for it. -
Name: Snutzyglad Realm: Fun Date: 20/7/2017 He spoke ill about my mother and another guy's mother Proof: He spoke about my mother in a manner that offended me deeply, plz ban him. the quality of the video will improve in a short while.