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Status Updates posted by dracullax

  1. I was playing a good bg and took ban for 30 days talking I was using a speed hacker being q neither use hacker in wow was playing with my friends and I have q ban leads without reason being qn use the person that uses q and me I got it wrong, so it pfv help there.
  2. mano se vc foir adm do jogo pode me ajuda tao usando hacker em bg de velocidade e geral ta levando ban eu levei ban de 30 dias sem motivo eu tava na bg e tinha um povo com hacker e eu q n uso levei ban pq isso mano eu sendo joguei sem hacker e eu q tenho q leva ban
  3. Pfv so using hacker in speed bg and I took 30 day ban without reason is a speed hacker q goes to everyone in the bg and I never used nd in wow I never used nd always playing good with my friend and now I take ban 30 days without mtoivo pfv help ai there's an eye on it I hope you help me so I'm angry with this being qn it was me
  4. Zeox pfv so using hacker bg speed and I took 30 day ban without reason is a speed hacker q goes to everyone in the bg and I never used nd in wow never used nd always playing good with my friend and now I take Ban of 30 days without mtoivo pfv help ai of the glance at this I hope your help pq to mt angry with this being qn was me
  5. Juster tao usando hacker nas bg de velocidade e eu levei ban sem motivo sendo q nao era eu usando hacker pfv da uma ajuda ai eu jogo na lei do wow e agora vo se banido por um motivo q n foi eu agora vo fica sem joga com meus amigos por motivo q n foi eu pfv ajuda ai
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