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Everything posted by Gtfireglow

  1. but if spell queue as you say is bugged, why cant they just fix it? :( important bug! your point on warriors i can see. is this server old? 1/2 years? warrior damage always been this? damage not balanced nor blizzlike. this is important! someone should do something! :( all members of this server voted no, but damage still bugged? owner dont listen players opinion? 23 no 8 yes. why do 8 people vote yes when its bug?
  2. Is this how the community is too? I played on Freakz, much more friendly. I left a dead server. I'm trying to ask for help about damage problem from warrior. all im asking is one thing: is this damage blizzlike? Noneedholy was the only one answering me. Repitchx is talking about damage nerf previously, why did the damage get bugged? Isn't it easy to fix damage bugs? I don't know what to do anymore. Can gms or moderators explain? I don't use the forum much, but I'll try to read this topic more often.
  3. hello. im new to pandawow and i like it a lot, but i have some questions. not sure if this is the right place to post this. please move it if im wrong why are warriors doing this damage? i remember when i played retail, they were strong and did damage, but this damage does not feel blizzlike. i hope someone can answer me why i always see warrior in arena. i mostly do bgs or 2s, but i only fight mw monk warrior or resto shaman warrior. i want to get into 3v3, but if i only see warrior, i dont really want to play here. i remember when i saw blizzcon and streamers during mop retail, you saw many comps without warrior, but when i play on here, its always warrior/x. i have only around 40-60 ms which is good, but i have a weird delay on my spells, no idea what it is. where is the host located? i sometimes spam click my abilities, but i always get error message "spell is not ready yet". why is this happening? i got a 550 priest from a friend, but i feel like i die in 2 seconds vs warriors. i know warrior counters priest, but not like this, i think at least... otherwise i love the server. many nice things and features. but if i see warriors not changing or fixed, i really dont want to play here. i really hope something will change very fast. i would love to bring my friends on this server and play 2v2 and 3v3.
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