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Everything posted by Néøxiæ

  1. That jewelry weapons I buy ig
  2. Hello, it's been several days since I lost items of my rogue, I lost 2 weapons 550 and 1 glove 588 and this in two days can I have a solution? https://db.pandawow.me/?item=102612 x2 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105472 x1 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=105580 x1
  3. Hello, always the same problem it is now 48 hours and still not my bonus thank you in advance. - - - Updated - - - I pay by premium ticket
  4. Good evening I have just paid 50 euro and I still do not have the pts help me pls.
  5. 1. Name: Sweptrogueqt 2. Realm: xfun 3. Description: Insulte me mom/// pd = faggot /// Fdp = Son of a bitch 4. Proof:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwTFNzXhBiQ&feature=youtu.be
  6. 1. Name: Pktmecherche/Alliance/90 2. Realm: PWoW-Fun 3. Classes: Rogue/humain 4. Reason: Insult "enfant de salope / Petite salope / enculé de ta mere / 5. Proofs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGp_dCNSQSM&feature=youtu.be 6. Proofs2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MNL0WYWnN8&feature=youtu.be Thx x')
  7. 1. Name: Pkjtm/Alliance/90 2. Realm: PWoW-Fun 3. Classes: Paladin/humain 4. Reason: Insult "enfant de pute" "Salope" "ta mere la pute" 5. Proofs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbH9bNKU3o&feature=youtu.be
  8. 1. Name: Pkjtm/Alliance/90 2. Realm: PWoW-Fun 3. Classes: Paladin/humain 4. Reason: Insult "sale pute" 5. Proofs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKx6oM8dOjY&feature=youtu.be
  9. Name-Mexhican Realm-Fun Classe-Rogue Vidéo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg-xSQG5Whs
  10. Name: Nasaranis Classes: Duid realm: Fun description: Double talents bug proof: https://prnt.sc/gfiuno proof: https://prnt.sc/gfivxw
  11. Name: Stopfast Classe: Priest Realm: Fun Proof Vidéo :https://www.youtube.com/upload It says that it is not a hack but an addons While it is well a hack one the way with the video
  12. Name: Lamagra Classe: Rogue Realm: Fun Description: Insult me parent Vidéo :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il3zYDDLEMo&feature=youtu.be
  13. Name:Milonkiller Classe: Druid Realm:fun Description: Insult "pd" "fdp" Screen: https://prnt.sc/g9mi51 Vidéo: https://youtu.be/Vo-SFZuxFbc Insult me familly :/
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