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  1. Yo my account is banned like before 2 month or longer i dont know how is not susspension over any help ? character name -Gospa night elf warrior Server-FUN
  2. How can be victory for Aliance if both side didnt had players to keep play bg if bg closed bcs need more players that must be Draw .
  3. Gospa

    Bugg on Timeless Isle

    Oh i was before 2 year kill him now when me and my team come they back us why i dont know boss is there but like we block maybe gm block this place no another solution or bug and yes on my pries i had legendary cloak name [Jina-Kang, Kindness of Chi-Ji] and i try but he back me again
  4. Gospa

    Bugg on Timeless Isle

    Hello oh didnt know tell me just doesnt matter are aliance or horde just must be on one of char on this acc right and i m from Xfun realm ?
  5. Hello why when we want raid Ordos and when we come to location Ordon Sanctuary they back us to start postion in timeles isle to Celestial Court we try 2 time no way they back us there any help ?
  6. Hello can i change my user name or pasword on my account ?
  7. wich realm ?
  8. Why no one GM are not online on server autoban is nothing beacuse that priest mind me and if i suck bann what again ? Beacuse programs cant bann that priest only can bann us where going that no sense , why is nothing done under that question?
  9. I can t login last 2h any help ? http://i64.tinypic.com/30auvd1.jpg
  10. Hello i can t loggin idk i played game and i had dc after i try loggin i cant can any one help me ? http://i66.tinypic.com/2vt7chx.jpg
  11. Hello how long will be offline Xfun ?
  12. 1. Sylvanhalen 2. realm-Xfun 3. Dominate mind and dmg hack 4. http://i68.tinypic.com/10zdde9.jpg http://i67.tinypic.com/2dl7w51.jpg
  13. 1. Sylvanhalen 2. realn-Xfun 3. fly and dmg hack (dominate mind ) 4. http://i68.tinypic.com/10zdde9.jpg http://i67.tinypic.com/2dl7w51.jpg .And like u can see he had 0 dmg 18: 2 score
  14. Again this retards priest use hack i play aliance and he in one bg use mind on me but he dindt put it me in air he stunned me and i cant move http://i67.tinypic.com/4gg46f.jpg
  15. Hello i played bg and i seee something hit me from air i check mage fly hack i hope u punish him thx . Proof -http://i65.tinypic.com/10qh2e8.jpg http://i65.tinypic.com/rhpoqb.jpg
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