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  1. Actually u should to recovery this chars bec its too much investiment in this account ) i understand him
  2. Hey,someone steal my character Bananasplit paladin I can show you proofs that this is my paladin https://imgur.com/a/lqgmFz4 please check ip and you Will see that my paladin was in my acc Account name: Geowolfieblea Server fun :mad:
  3. Ah i tried, sorry for disturb anyway , good luck
  4. Why we have arena spectator if we are "blizzlike"
  5. I have a great suggestion for our server. What do you think about bringing back the map from cata "ring of valor" or maybe even adding some legion maps like "Ashamane’s Fall ,black rock hold arena . I think this idea it's really cool for our server - - - Добавлено - - - Feel free to say what you think about this idea, thanks
  6. Woaw! ur so awesome dude : ) GG good luck in feature and we are for "THE NEW SEASON"
  7. I dont really think its something wrong with combat rogue right now atm but i just want a new season. With love Nemo
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