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About Chianzrøw

  • Birthday 11/09/2001

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  1. 1. Name: Exposse 2. Realm: PandaWoW-Fun 3. Classes: Rogue 4. Reason: Insult. 5. Proof: http://prntscr.com/puvyd6 Please Bann this guy...
  2. 1. Name: Rollexunholy, Rollexpewpew, Rollexpowa 2. Realm: xfun 3. reason: Spamming. 4. proof: The Time was 14:58 EU time, You can see it at the clock on my map top right. :D Please mute this guy.
  3. 1. Forum user: icopecirov 2. Reason: Insulted me. 3. Proof: http://prntscr.com/hxaal6 , http://prntscr.com/hxad38 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=232559 Please banned that kid.
  4. 1. Name: Imthreadxd/Alliance/90 2. Realm: PandaWoW-Fun 3. Reason: He create with eat an Hakenkreuz! 4. Classes: Rogue/Human 5. Proofs: http://prntscr.com/hx7rwb
  5. 1. Name: Empoowa/Horde/90 2. Realm: PWoW-Fun 3. Classes: Druid/Tauren 4. Reason: Insult with the Words: "Motherfucker" 5. Proofs: http://prntscr.com/hwrq86
  6. WTB rogue!
  7. F****** Cunt!!! GO SCAMMER KYS!
  8. 1. Name: Chainzmongol/Wtbcharspls/Human/90 2. Realm: PWoW-Fun 3. Classes: Rogue/Warrior 4. Reason: Scamming. 5. Proofs: http://prntscr.com/hwhvl2 http://prntscr.com/hwi9aa NOW HE HAVE DELETED OMG! Comments: Hello and although I would like to be banned this scammer, I have given him the responsibility in which I said that he should take care of my guild shortly because I sell my character, now I have logged on my priest and have politely asked me Guildmaster to give it back, he said "no i will delete it now" "LOL" Okay I said that he should give it back to me immediately because he wants to scam me. He said he bought my character for 730+ tax, and so I entrusted him with my guild. And now I demand a new guild Lvl 20! ... This guild was close to my heart! And he just destroys it! How to be honorless please? Please make me a new guild lvl 20 I put so much work in this guild! Please do not let me down, I'm just crying because I've never seen anything like that! Please HELP me and banish this cunt!
  9. GOOOOOOOD JOB!!!! XDD Nice broooo
  10. yes, that was the same with me... lel earlier this was in the BG!
  11. 1. Name: Oneshotenedie/Alliance/90 2. Realm: PWoW-Fun 3. Races: Human/alliance 4. Reason: Insult with the words "Mother Fucker" 5. http://prntscr.com/hl41qq
  12. 1. name: Thyrønz 2. reason: LOL?? I made my druid on alliance and suddenly I look in my bag and I see chain shoes from a shaman ... Please send me the PVP shoes for balance as soon as possible!! look here http://prntscr.com/hl40v0
  13. Rogue, Paly, Druid!
  14. The Problem is, that is not according to the rules. You must need a video, that is what i think... xD
  15. Lol Why is the quality of this video so bad?
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