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  1. Ðarcknnes, Xladerzz, 海賊狩,pilaru,heypilaru xfun server facing wintraders https://imgur.com/a/7N3Dn https://imgur.com/a/PWgYS https://imgur.com/a/NLU18 Here you can see some pics of their opponents at 3, 4 am proofs ID from 海賊狩 : 498927 498787 498661 498560 498539 496538 493209 479995 477578 477542 477509 477476 and there are many more IDS where they face wintraders (if you look at these IDS you can not find your enemies because they have been deleted) According to what zeox said [[ https://imgur.com/a/58BIF ]] if you face wintraders you can got ban/reset rating.. so why are these guys still in ladders ? I gave you an IDS so you can see how they queue at night at 2 or 4 o'clock in the morning with their mains so please zeox do smthng
  2. name of account or char banned: vasculk https://imgur.com/a/tFiLc I woke up today and saw that my account is banned by '' wintrade '' and nobody told me why?. I hope this is a mistake but that I have been gladiator all the seasons and you can buy it on your prize delivery pages http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219291 rank 2 rank 8 and rank 10 in 3s and same in 3s alot ranks So my question is why have I been banned? Have you found my ip in the account of my enemies? because if you were banned for playing with a retarded player and he did wintrade it's not my fault, I can not know who is legit and who can not, nor can I know who is wintrader on this server and who. you can not ban other people just because they're a wintrader, seriously it's not our fault, and if you do not want to ban the whole server for playing with those wintrader players, banned permanently, in the end those responsible are you. so please unban me I did not have anything to do
  3. the same happened the previous season, zeox drop qualifying tops for face wintraders so stfu :)
  4. name: ( pilare ); ( Sakiøn ); ( Ðarckness ); there is no such character > ( Maliomane ) (Творожоок) server: fun wintrade facing wintraders in 3vs3 315008 315056 315078 315120 https://imgur.com/a/iFGo0 https://imgur.com/a/dZc8E the previous season zeox told us that if your face wintraders, he drops your character. So everyone is ranked 1 facing wintraders at 4 am when noones playing ...and just look at the first page of your pvp history, prob if you see mroe pags, they face more wintraders ...
  5. 1. 1º team [Tallaque, thilan, Ðionysusqt] [ Skyyhunter, swdxz, Hexd] 2º team 2. fun server 3. wintrade 4. proofs http://imgur.com/a/zyIV8 http://imgur.com/a/Z7ipw http://imgur.com/a/Gm3JD http://imgur.com/a/Jb2z8 http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/pvp.html?guid=3880684&realm=3&type=1 ID 532460 http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-3-6133543.html started gear http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-3-3633779.html started gear http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-3-3815980.html full gear 5. commentary Wintrade unintentional or intentional but has been wintrade, I think those points should remove them or do something with them, in the past Ðionysusqt got ban in his main for wintrade, this is the proof '' ''Ðionytko'' http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=225023&highlight=benderqt
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