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  1. Remove prenium make pwow great again
  2. Yeah +1 from me too,make pwow great again :P!
  3. On retail there is no prenium btw Decoy you can't log out of your char pick another one (all that in combat) and kill someone just saying lol
  4. I'm vinistenjk btw nayef is my friend we queued each other and made a deal to make it funny like i don't use Might of ursoc and he doesnt ice block we were trolling with our high rated chars . if you guys didnt record anything its not a proofs right showing statistic isn't a proof all u showing is vinistenjk winning nayef lol show us a record please so everyone can see us seriously playing the game if we don't care about our rating and wanna do fun games its also our problem right
  5. I'm vinistenjk btw nayef is my friend we queued each other and made a deal to make it funny like i don't use Might of ursoc and he doesnt ice block we were trolling with our high rated chars . if you guys didnt record anything its not a proofs right showing statistic isn't a proof all u showing is vinistenjk winning nayef lol show us a record please so everyone can see us seriously playing the game if we don't care about our rating and wanna do fun games its also our problem right .
  6. I'm vinistenjk btw nayef is my friend we queued each other and made a deal to make it funny like i don't use Might of ursoc and he doesnt ice block we were trolling with our high rated chars . if you guys didnt record anything its not a proofs right showing statistic isn't a proof all u showing is vinistenjk winning nayef lol show us a record please so everyone can see us seriously playing the game if we don't care about our rating and wanna do fun games its also our problem right
  7. I'm vinistenjk btw nayef is my friend we queued each other and made a deal to make it funny like i don't use Might of ursoc and he doesnt ice block we were trolling with our high rated chars . if you guys didnt record anything its not a proofs right showing statistic isn't a proof all u showing is vinistenjk winning nayef lol show us a record please so everyone can see us seriously playing the game if we don't care about our rating and wanna do fun games its also our problem right
  8. I'm vinistenjk btw nayef is my friend we queued each other and made a deal to make it funny like i don't use Might of ursoc and he doesnt ice block we were trolling with our high rated chars thx if you guys didnt record anything its not a proofs right showing statistic isn't a proof all u showing is vinistenjk winning nayef lol show us a record please so everyone can see us seriously playing the game
  9. .1 Heyraka .2 realmFUN .3 the boots of my cm Paladin has been deleted https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/547161298517885000/603419067713585192/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/547161298517885000/603419221958983681/unknown.png
  10. 1. Banging, Monsterxo https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5331755.html 2. xfun 3. Refuses to play with 80% of population of the server 4. 5. 6. https://imgur.com/a/d6BUKNo
  11. 1. Banging, Monsterxo https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5331755.html 2. xfun 3. Refuses to play with 80% of population of the server 4. 5. 6. https://imgur.com/a/d6BUKNo
  12. 1. Banging, Monsterxo https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5331755.html 2. xfun 3. Refuses to play with 80% of population of the server 4. 5. 6. https://imgur.com/a/d6BUKNo
  13. Hello im banned i don t know why its writed that i insulted someone, but i never insult can u give me proofs please or unban me if i did nothing right
  14. 1. Name: Ssongnameplz 2. Realm: PandaWoW-Fun 3. Races: Human/alliance 4. Reason: Insult "fils de pute" french word that mean Son of a bitch 5.
  15. 1. Name: Wodeprorog 2. Realm: PandaWoW-Fun 3. Races: Orc/horde 4. Reason: Insult "fdp" : French word that means Fils de pute or Son of a bitch 5.
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